The best-selling book, The Four Agreements by
don Miguel Ruiz is an insightful little book with a message
that is simple and yet profound. The author invites the
reader to adopt a code of conduct that leads to a fulfilling life.
It includes these four agreements – “Be impeccable With Your ... Views: 1167
“Get the expectations clear up front”.
I find self saying this to every one of my clients at one time or another. This caveat applies to all relationships in business and, if you think about it, in all other relationships as well. When dealing with partners, employees, vendors, clients, etc. ... Views: 1476
When faced with change, a problem, or a difficult person, most people react by becoming extremely resistant, rigid, and inflexible. There is a much better approach - the fine art of bending. Being flexible and adapting to tough situations, enables you to ride out such storms of life and even ... Views: 1449
Are you in business with your life partner and can’t tell the difference between your bedroom and the boardroom? Welcome to the world of Couplepreneurs!
What are “Couplepreneurs”? This term describes any two persons living together in a committed relationship and also ... Views: 1802
The best-selling book, The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz is an insightful little book with a message that is simple and yet profound. The author invites the reader to adopt a code of conduct that includes four agreements - "Be impeccable With Your Word, "Don't Take Anything Personally, ... Views: 2438