After years of aggressive solicitations offering low balance transfer interest rates for the life of the loan, Chase recently sent thousands of its customers payment increase letters.
Here’s what it means on a monthly basis:
Balance: $10,000
Old Payment (2%): ... Views: 1541
Question: With summer coming up, I just dread my electric bills. Isn’t there any way to keep them low? ~ Thomas
Reduce your Electric BillsAnswer: Thomas, what a hot topic!
The key to achieving maximum energy savings in your home is to create a whole-house energy efficiency plan. View your home ... Views: 1338
They learn how to handle moneyParents all struggle with allowances. Should we just give them money? Should we only give them money if they do chores? How much should we give them?
I’ll be answering all these questions and more in my all new “5 Reasons to Give your Kid an Allowance” ... Views: 1315
April 8, 2008
This is part of our Financial Literacy Month Question and Answer series
Question: What advice can you give recently divorced women on how to manage their finances now that they are facing life as a single mom on a limited income? What should be their first priority? Lisa A. ... Views: 1404
This is part of our Financial Literacy Month Question and Answer series
Question: Our children are starting high school and we want to be able to help with their college expenses. We also need to save more for our retirement. With time passing so quickly what should we do?
Answer: You are in a ... Views: 1154
The possibility of losing your home to foreclosure can be terrifying. The reality that scam artists are preying on the vulnerability of desperate homeowners is equally frightening. Many so-called foreclosure rescue companies or foreclosure assistance firms claim they can help you save your
home. ... Views: 1256
Getting a tax refund this year? Want to stretch it as far as possible? Good for you…
I counsel a LOT of people about money. I see the same mistakes being made over and over again.
If you’ve made ‘em, don’t worry. I’m here to help you do it right THIS year! The fact is, moneymakers need a money ... Views: 1350
If you’re unemployed, you’ve got a lot of company out there. AND, there are some tax traps that could make your financial a lot worse. Avoid these common tax problems now!Avoiding Tax Mistakes
* Income Taxes are taxable. Yes, the tax man wants a cut of the action even when you’re ... Views: 1095
This is part of our Financial Literacy Month Question and Answer series
Question: Cindy, can you give me some specific ideas for how to save money on everyday stuff? Thanks. ~ Janice
Answer: Sure, Janice, frugal living does not have to be about a life of deprivation. The frugal life is one of ... Views: 1289
This is part of our Financial Literacy Month Question and Answer series
Question: Cindy, do you have any quick and easy ways to make extra money? I’m interested in putting some into savings and paying off some debt, too. Thanks. ~ Jayne
Answer: Good question, Jayne. There are many ways to make ... Views: 1559
This is part of our Pay Debt Quickly series sponsored by
PDQ Pay Debt Quickly kit.
Are you struggling with debt? I’ve been there (and it was a major
cause of my divorce). This is information I wish I had known then.
As always, feel free to comment below.
Step 1: Draw a Debt ... Views: 1125
This is part of our Pay Debt Quickly series sponsored by
PDQ Pay Debt Quickly kit.
Over the last few years, I’ve seen more and more people pull out “plastic” to pay for everything they need — from gas to groceries to fast food.
Why not? When all it takes is a quick swipe of the card ... Views: 866
I’m seeing more and more clients who are banking on retail therapy to get them through this recession. They’re using shopping to numb the worry and stress of unsteady income, shaky jobs, treacherous home mortgages and rising food and gas prices. When they feel bad for whatever reason, off to the ... Views: 1148
Besides paying your bills regularly and on time, the single most important thing you can do to show that you are a good credit risk is to know what's in your credit report.
Studies have shown that many credit files contain errors that can harm your credit rating, leading to rejections when you ... Views: 917
A recent long drive to California to celebrate my parents’ 55th Wedding Anniversary and 75th birthdays gave me a chance to reflect on what my parents taught me about money and finance…
Mom and Dad were Depression babies who grew up in blue collar families. My Dad (#2 of 6 kids) was ... Views: 831
1. Pay off high-cost debt. The best investment most borrowers can make is to pay off consumer debt with double-digit interest rates. For example, if you have a $3,000 credit card balance at 19.8%, and you pay the required minimum balance of 2% of the balance or $15, whichever is greater, it will ... Views: 912
“Recession is Coming!” “Recession is Here!” “Are we in a Recession Yet?”
I’m sure you’ve seen and heard headlines just like this.
Regardless of whether the US economy is in a Recession, your family may be in one. Has your income stayed the same ... Views: 972
Of course, these don't have to be done in any particular order! Just pick one or two that particularly apply to your situation.
* Create your 2005 filing system. This might include new file folders, a new box to hold them or space in a filing cabinet with easy access.
* Set up a folder to ... Views: 1257
Do you walk the high wire of personal finance? Is every month a balancing act that works only as long as the next paycheck arrives on time? What happens if that next paycheck doesn't arrive? The cause could be many things which you cannot control: an illness, a layoff, a sales slump.
If some ... Views: 1461
Do unexpected car repairs, quarterly insurance payments or those darned property taxes find you hard pressed to squeeze one more dollar out of an already stretched monthly budget? Or do you usually end up reaching for the plastic in your wallet to make up the difference? Those inevitable ... Views: 1375