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"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
I'm a map guy. I love maps. To be sure, GPS is a wonderful (if not somewhat annoying) invention that probably does a better job of getting you from point A to point B. Nevertheless, I have a hard time giving up my trusty ... Views: 928
Most of us detest those weekly 1-1 pipeline reviews with our managers. Why? Because more often than not, the manager is calling you on the carpet to explain why this deal hasn't closed, or why that deal hasn't progressed, or why those deals were lost. Or at least we think he is. But in a ... Views: 998
Despite our best efforts, some of the deals we work on will at some pint in the sales process stall. How can you extricate yourself from the land of no-decision for those cases in which - despite your best efforts - your deals nevertheless grinds to a halt.
There are three points in the ... Views: 1061
We all have people in our lives whose contact we welcome, and those whose contact we consider unwelcome. At the "welcome" end of the spectrum are our family and friends. At the "unwelcome" end of the spectrum are telemarketers and spammers. The former we're eager to interact with; the latter ... Views: 882
At just about every networking event I attended this Summer, there were two complaints I never failed to hear - "no one's around in the Summer", and "the economy is in recession". To the former, I replied, "I - and everyone in this room, and rooms like this all across town - am around this ... Views: 860
Do you ever shake your head and wonder why so many prospects fail to pull the trigger when you've clearly made a compelling case for them to do so? To those of us in Sales, it makes no sense - it's clear as day that they should. But for some reason we can't fathom, it often doesn't appear to be ... Views: 964
Networking. You've heard it before - the best leads come from someone you know, or from someone who knows someone you know. So why aren't you out there doing it? Not enough time? Don't think it works? Too expensive? Think again!
What is a networking event? A networking event is a meeting of ... Views: 1013
how to prioritize potential opportunities - leads - that come your way, or that you uncover, so that you invest your time in such a way as to maximize your income.
First, let's define what a lead is. defines "lead" (in the business sense) as "an indication of potential ... Views: 1121
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Why is it, then, in our conversations, in our written correspondence, and in our presentations, we act as if the opposite is true - that a thousand words will create the picture we want?
Metaphors and analogies are two similar but different word ... Views: 1141
What? Am I reading this correctly? Stop selling and I'll close more business? Yes. Let me explain.
I was on an initial meeting with a prospective client last week. This prospect was frustrated that several prospects of his that exhibited classic ... Views: 1714