The coaching profession today is exploding…. Some coaches are certified and some aren’t. Some specialize in a specific area of life, i.e. business, relationships, money, spirituality, and some just take a general overview of your whole life. There have been articles; television shows that talk ... Views: 1174
Do you find yourself needing a vacation after Christmas vacation? Are you exhausted from all the shopping, running around, buying, wrapping, buying, wrapping, buying, wrapping? Let’s take a look at some simple ways to make this time of year one filled with joy and meaning.
At this time of ... Views: 1037
We live in a world that is speeding up at exponential proportions. Whirling and swirling, racing on the Hamster Wheel, and continually multi-tasking are not the state human beings were meant to be in. On many levels our hormones respond to this lifestyle by continually being in an ... Views: 1143
What’s on my mind or what’s on my TV? Both! It’s the US Open and the biggest stage for worldwide tennis there is. I’m reflecting on my trip to the Open in 2001, just before 9/11 when our world changed so dramatically. That trip combined so many metaphors for life. My goal was to see great ... Views: 1202
When I say I'm an Authentic Leadership Coach I'm often asked: What is an Authentic Leader? The answer I feel, is universal - we're all Leaders within. This is the place of Sovereignty for us - where we always have the opportunity to be conscious and aware of who we are, what really matters to ... Views: 1082