I’ve said it a thousand times before and you probably have as well – “I’m doing the best that I can!”
I never questioned that declaration in the past nor have I stopped to think anything about it, until yesterday.
Reflecting on my life over this past year, I thought about my ... Views: 1370
Sometimes in life we lose our composure and react rather impulsively. It's as if our default survival mode kicks in and we instinctively brace for something that's going to knock us off our feet.
Once upon a time these mechanisms related to our innate stress response served an important ... Views: 1188
The time near the beginning of a new calendar year often brings mixed feelings. People may review their life over the past year and vow to improve it for the next. Changes in diet, exercise, work situations, and relationships may be considered.
This current year of 2015 asked us to look at ... Views: 1083
Money and finances are one aspect of our lives that affect us daily. The condition of our financial situation is often interrelated to other life areas such as health and career.
From a holistic self-care perspective, your relationship with money can be addressed mentally, emotionally, ... Views: 1240
Money. It affects us all. We each have a relationship with money that is either healthy or restrictive. Many people just go about their daily lives, working at a job in order to pay what needs to be paid and get through till the next month.
When I got out of nursing school at age 23, I worked ... Views: 1283
Our daily lives often keep us so busy and caught up in trying to plan for the immediate day that we neglect the overall big picture.
While Spirit reminds us to slow down and be present in the moment, you might find it challenging to relax if your personal space is cluttered, paperwork is ... Views: 1590
Despite the dynamic nature of life, we usually develop normal routines and schedules to provide some sort of structure and guide to our daily lives. Looking back at the past several months, can you discern a "normal" pattern in your day-to-day activities?
As a mom, personal development coach, ... Views: 1047
Sometimes in life we forget who we are and what makes us tick. We get so caught up in being everyone else's number one fan that we fail to be our own personal cheerleaders.
When that lack of attention-to-self prevails, you lose your luster and your inner light slowly begins to dim. This sense ... Views: 1343
You may be aware of the process of the law of attraction and the notion that our thoughts create our reality. However, are you really using this practice to your advantage?
If you unconsciously live in autopilot mode, you could be repeating the same dialogue in your head and with those you ... Views: 1245
This morning I drove about an hour to visit with my mom. When I arrived, she was still out running errands so I decided to hang out with my grandfather who lives on the family land. He is an amazing woodworker and was in his workshop building a small table.
I spent about forty-five minutes ... Views: 1573
People who are on a conscious and purposeful path of self-development know the dedication and commitment it takes to evolve in all life aspects.
I've been interested in metaphysics and personal growth for decades, but it wasn't until about two years ago that I finally decided to engage ... Views: 1036
Exploring a spiritual path is a choice. Some people who start to question their purpose or the role they play in the grand scheme of things delve into spirituality as a means of finding solutions for life problems or re-connecting with their divine nature.
The journey can be challenging as ... Views: 1004
Over the years, I’ve learned information, gained wisdom, and ultimately empowered myself to understand the potent effects of subconscious beliefs, mental processes, emotional energy, and spiritual connections.
The guidelines I based my core daily life on became pretty consistent. I knew these ... Views: 1776
Sacred containers, whether called God/Goddess Boxes, Butterfly Boxes, or Angel Boxes, have been used for years as a storage place for intimate worries, concerns, fears, and life troubles. The term “butterfly” can be used universally because it provides a powerful metaphor for transformation. ... Views: 1057
Generations of youth and adults alike have revered the iconic superheroes for decades. Why? Because superheroes save the day, master superhuman powers, and often have a relatable “ordinary” alter ego.
However, the superhero phenomenon may actually foster the belief that an external figure is ... Views: 1322
Emotional health refers to your overall psychological wellbeing. People who are emotionally healthy handle stress well, deal with challenges as opportunities, have a positive self-image, and are able to sustain healthy relationships. Review the following tips on how to stay emotionally ... Views: 16955