Rockin Blues music with Reggae influences touches the soul and awakens the heart. Spiritual Inspiration Music with a Rockin Blues flavor takes us to Love, Growth and connection with the Divine. Because music touches our Heart, it awakens us to a deeper truth about whom and what we are and why we ... Views: 2239
Journaling for Ascension is about empowerment through self-awareness. It is a process by which you get your needs met for emotional and spiritual cleansing. Journaling removes the cobwebs from your thinking processes by having you record the ideas, thoughts and emotions that you currently find ... Views: 1819
We are witnessing events of great magnitude on the Earth right now. Very recently we saw the latest in terms of catastrophe and suffering as we witnessed the collapse of cities and towns in Haiti. A small island nation has been rocked by an earthquake and has succumbed to the forces of the ... Views: 2196
Personally, I am tired of seeing Westerners adopting an Eastern stance for Personal Growth and Connecting with Spirit. This comes across to me as an unnecessary rejection of Western Practices and their ability to bring us to Source. I’ve been a Psychologist for almost 30 years now and my days ... Views: 1880
"How difficult is grief recovery?" you may ask. As difficult as climbing a mountain perhaps, or crossing a stormy sea? These are events to remember, aren't they? Well, for certain they are. Such events are quite dramatic, as is the case with Grief, which takes us out of ourselves and tosses us ... Views: 1601
1) You will feel better knowing you are not alone with this experience of grief as a result of losing a loved one. Many individuals have traveled this path successfully and, those of us who study these processes, have been hard at work creating the tools and strategies necessary to help you ... Views: 1886
Extracted from "Parables for a Modern Age")
All is not lost, my fellow humans, for I am of the Divine and I wish to inform you that there is a great plan afoot and much to rejoice about. Do not fear for God is near, nearer than you may realize. Let there be no more doubt about this. For I ... Views: 1306
The myths of man have been with us throughout time. Since the earliest of cave drawings to modern books and film, the myths of man have been the creators of man, providing both meaning and symbolism to his / her life.
Myths have guided man throughout the centuries and are to be found in every ... Views: 1156
Who are we, standing here on this planet, looking for a place to be? Are we the “forgotten ones” from a time gone by, a piece of pre-history perhaps, that lets itself unfold through the pages of time?
Are we here all alone, or are we part of something bigger, larger perhaps than we ... Views: 1332
When you reach inside yourself, what do you find? A storehouse of creativity that’s what. “Is that so?” you say. "Well, my creativity has gone AWOL, I can’t find it anywhere. I’m lost without it. What do I do?"
I hear you. It’s a hard road to travel, getting ... Views: 1283
Today there is a growing need to examine all our systems of thought and communication. We are witness to an information explosion. Never before has there been such a plethora of relevant and not so relevant information available on every subject imaginable. Most of us cannot even begin to ... Views: 1347
Parables and mythical stories have been with us throughout time. From the earliest of cave drawings to modern writing and film parables, as guides to human experience, have been a source of inspiration throughout history. They are the teachers that guide us through challenges confronting us at ... Views: 1463