Happiness can feel like a land far away. A place that once we arrive, the stay is brief. This was my experience for most of my life. I would hit a great place, feel unbelievably happy, and be convinced that I would feel that way forever more. But soon, the feeling would wane, and then ... Views: 679
3 Great Tips to Turn Your Meditation into a Rewarding Experience!
When I first started meditating several years ago, it was anything but fulfilling! I would make time in my calendar, sit down and “try” to meditate. I would get uncomfortable trying to hold the same still position, my mind ... Views: 1670
As I engage in spiritual transformation discussions with my clients, workshop participants, and members of my Heartful Awakening Circle online community (www.HeartfulAwakenings.com) who are making choices to have more of what they want in their lives, I am noticing a trend. It’s one that feels ... Views: 1293
Are you pushing to make things happen in your life right now? Are you feeling backed up against the wall? And what’s the wall for you? Time, money, a relationship? It can be difficult to find your peaceful center when you feel you have to try so hard to make things happen. The question is what ... Views: 695