For those of you who have teenagers you’re most likely experiencing a change in the way they relate to you. They often act as though they have no regard for anyone or anything but themselves and things that belong to them. Manners they might have had when they were younger seem to have gone ... Views: 1818
A common theme over the past 20 years has been how much children have changed from when we were growing up in terms of how they show respect. I know that for the most part in the 1960's, anyone in a position of authority commanded respect which included parents, teachers, police officers, ... Views: 3055
So your four year old won’t eat anything but cheese and crackers? Your six year old hates anything with a sauce on it. Your eight year old won’t let his lips touch a vegetable if his life depended on it. What do you do? You’re trying to be a good parent and provide nutritious meals to your ... Views: 1335
Most of us when asked what we want our children to become, we include "responsible" among other things such as happy, fulfilled and caring.
We want our children to learn to make wise choices, be responsible for their actions and live responsibly.
Do we teach children to become responsible ... Views: 1405
Our lives are a direct reflection of what we put our attention on. Do you constantly talk about how badly your kids are behaving and talk to them about their bad behavior? Do you talk about how much debt you have and dwell on it and dwell on it? Do you tell your partner that he/she ... Views: 1234