The seminar business is not one to enter on a whim -- at least, not if you want to minimize your risk. Between room rentals, equipment, and food and beverage minimums, the production costs can be tremendous. If you don't adequately fill the room, you can lose a lot of money very quickly.
The ... Views: 1574
Many seminar promoters assume that big, bold action and massive change is required to put more butts in seminar seats. In fact, increasing seminar registrations is often accomplished with surprisingly small changes. If you make dozens of small changes, their cumulative impact can be powerful and ... Views: 2888
One common question faced by new seminar promoters is determining what day of the week they should hold their event. Here are some points to consider as you make important scheduling decisions.
If your attendees are primarily employees whose employers are footing the bill for their ... Views: 15895
To persuade prospects to register for your seminars, your marketing copy must adequately explain the value of your training. One critical way you can do this is by accurately describing the benefits of attending your seminar.
Many seminar promoters and trainers believe that it's enough to ... Views: 3677
Convincing busy, budget-conscious people to invest their time and money to attend your seminar can be a challenge. That is why you should sit up and pay attention when a prospective attendee indicates even the tiniest bit of interest in your event. Seminar leads are golden.
Yet many seminar ... Views: 2378
Experienced seminar promoters know that the number of registrations that come in each day generally increases as the seminar draws closer. While you might receive only one registration per day four weeks before your seminar, you could see 20 registrations per day the last week before your event. ... Views: 2336
When promoting live seminars, as well as virtual events such as teleseminars and webinars, it's critical to continue promoting your event right up until you start delivering content. Seminar producers who track their sales typically see a dramatic increase in their registrations in the days ... Views: 2293
Will prospective seminar attendees pay what you are asking to participate in your seminar?
The answer depends on how they perceive your price. If they think it's too high -- in other words -- there is not enough value to justify the time and money they will spend traveling to and ... Views: 2484
A recent trip to the grocery store reminded me of a valuable Internet marketing tip I learned years ago.
When I was headed out the door with my cartful of groceries, the greeter -- an elderly man who always welcomes me with a big smile and friendly "hello" -- flagged me down. His job that ... Views: 2216
When promoting a local seminar, newspapers seem like a logical choice for reaching your target audience. After all, newspaper readers are local. And they are interested enough in learning new information that they're willing to pay for and read a paper, right?
But as many new seminar ... Views: 9104
"What's the best way for me to promote my seminars?"
This question easily makes the top five list of challenges I hear from newer seminar promoters, as well as those who aren't satisfied with how their events are performing.
Their uncertainty is understandable. Because when you're doing ... Views: 2717
Seminars, workshops, conference, symposia, user conferences, summits -- the type of events you can host are varied. Choosing the right description for your event is critical because it communicates volumes about the type of experience your participants can expect.
To ensure that you’re fully ... Views: 38790
You've seen the ads -- "9 million mailing addresses for just $24.99." You're tempted to buy ... because surely somewhere among those millions of prospects, there must be a hundred people or so who would be interested in your seminar.
Alas, the results don't prove your theory true. ... Views: 2309
A content-rich presentation is the core of a successful seminar. But to ensure that your attendees have a pleasant -- if not knock-their-socks-off -- experience, it's important to ensure that your event runs smoothly.
But if you are the only one working your event -- a common scenario for new ... Views: 2558
It often seems that for every person who signs up for a seminar, there's at least one or two more who are undecided about attending.
Some are uncertain because they have financial concerns and aren't sure they'll receive enough value for their investment. Convincing these prospects to ... Views: 2343
You've booked a hotel meeting room and picked a seminar topic. Then it hits you: You have a lot of money on the line ... and no idea how to fill the seminar seats. Use these five tips to get started on the path of successful seminar promotion.
1. Target your best prospects. The world is a ... Views: 14394