When you sit down to start writing a book, are you able to jump right in and catch the stream or words or does the whole task feel daunting? Or, let’s say you’ve already written part of the book and need to reengage with it after a hiatus from writing. Does the prospect bring joy or do you find ... Views: 2043
Each day as I sit down to write, I renew my “yes” to writing and to serve love in my writing. To support this choice to have my writing make a positive difference, I make four conscious choices. These allow me to begin my writing in alignment with all I have learned on a path of transformation, ... Views: 1743
Self-doubt. Most writers - even established authors - face it at some point as they write a book - then repeat visit it throughout their writing journeys.
You know this voice. It may whisper or rant words like:
-That is too vulnerable or difficult for me to write.
-My writing is not ... Views: 1331
Okay, I have listened to one too many webinars of late about how you can write a book in a weekend. Or two weeks. Or, if you need to tackle, write and polish a book on a deep subject, you will need to take a "really long time" to write that book- 3 months - "part time" of course in between your ... Views: 1248
Written words read out loud have a special power for you - whether you read for yourself in the quiet of an empty room or for others in a group. Not just poetry, which we all love and often prefer to hear read out loud. But also prose - fiction and nonfiction. And not just finished, polished ... Views: 1111
You have finished a rough draft of a chapter or written your book, filled with bursts of inspiration. You have done some rewriting for your book. You wonder, What can I do next to make this book manuscript shine?
Check out these easy fixes for writing a book - all of which you can access with ... Views: 981
If you are at all called to write a book, you may be surprised to learn that whether you have writing experience or not, think you have talent or not, know how to write in a particular form or genre or not, consider your idea is of interest to anyone or not, feel blocked or not does not matter. ... Views: 1511
Have you ever wanted to write a book? Have you ever thought - or said: "I have a book in me."
Or, "If I could just write a book about the life events that transformed my life, I believe it could change a lot of other people's lives, too."
Or, “I have gained so much knowledge about ... Views: 2089
While writing a book about my own journey to heal childhood abuse issues and chronic illness, I attended a talk by Dorothy Allison, author of the powerful novel, Bastard out of Carolina, based on her own childhood of abuse. Afterward, I asked, "How did you find the courage to write that ... Views: 1217
A memoir writer in one of my workshops recently asked me, “Was writing a memoir worth the time and effort?
“Yes,” I answered, without hesitation – which surprised me. Because where writing a memoir is concerned, friends and family will attest, I had been known to wax not so poetic over the ... Views: 1275
What is the best advice you can hear to help you write a book?
Two words: Show up. The more you show up to write your book, the better chance you will not only write a book, but complete and publish it, too.
Here is its value. Showing up to write a book – whether you do it in systematic ... Views: 1188
If you want to write a book, chances are you know that safety plus writing are two words that don't rest side by side in your mind as you sit down to write that book – or anything else.
Writing a book is about taking risks, trashing the comfort zone, escaping boundaries and letting out the ... Views: 1269
You do not have to wait for the muse to inspire authentic, fearless writing in your book. Coax it into being with three quick steps:
1. Release judgment.
In writing the draft of your book, consider all ideas acceptable. To be a fearless writer, do not censor your writing or ponder whether ... Views: 1260
Are you not writing your book because you cannot find the time?
Or do you insist you need a longer amount of time than you have to give your subject matter the attention it needs. "I can't write a book unless I have two or three hours a day, five days a week to devote to it."
Right. That's ... Views: 1143
Has fear ever stopped your writing - or publishing a book you want to write- or sucked the joy from your writing day?
It has for me - temporarily.
You name the book writing fear. I - and most writers and authors I know have experienced it at one time or another.
Rejection. Success. ... Views: 1275