Nowadays life is very fast-paced with all the pressing responsibilities: children, work, finances, relationships, extended family and so on. It is easy to get lost in your thoughts and suppressed feelings!
The Statistics Canada Community Health Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing has ... Views: 2025
Basics of Starting Your Practice.
While completing my psychotherapy program, I was eager and excited to start my practice and share my skills with the world. I pictured myself sitting in a large and beautiful office listening to my clients. As I was writing my exams I knew I was great, but ... Views: 4745
What is M E D I T A T I O N and what it is for?
Meditation is a simple process of quieting your mind. Why would you need to quiet your mind? How about for a day you become an “observer” of your thoughts? Sure enough, you will notice that thoughts are constantly running through your ... Views: 1815