While it may seem like our current power grid is pretty sophisiticated, we have a long way to go still. Sure our power grids are up 99 percent of the time, they give us all the power we need and more, and we often take the power we use every day for granted because it is so reliable. But the ... Views: 1323
It seems like everything costs more these days. It costs almost fifteen dollars to see a movie in the theaters, a “value” meal cost over six dollars, and do not get me started on gas prices. So while every little thing is draining your wallet dry, it can be nice to save money anywhere you can. ... Views: 1792
When it comes to providing power in remote places such as a cabin deep in the forest or mountains, there are two viable options that one can choose from. The older and more widely used option is a compact generator that runs on diesel or gasoline fuel. The second and newer option is a solar ... Views: 1138
The Kohler Company is an American corporation that is known for manufacturing a wide array of products for consumers all over the globe. While most people know them best for their plumbing products for residential and commercial buildings, they also manufacture furniture, cabinets, tile, ... Views: 3207
Gasoline and diesel generators are a ubiquitous part of our society even if most people do not stop to think about it much. They have many uses that keep our lives in order even when things go wrong. Even the best power grids will have some down time, and when they do, these amazing machines ... Views: 10235
Generators are wonderful machines that fulfill many different and varied functions in our daily lives. They provide light, they provide heat, they provide energy to power our tools, machines, and systems that make modern life possible. With how much we rely on these wondrous machines, it is sad ... Views: 1027
Our lives in cities are intricately tied to our power grids. We are attached to our outlets like never before. These great power networks keep our food cold, our houses warm, they light up the night, and even keep some of us alive. But what happens in modern times when we are away from these ... Views: 898
When it comes to portable power, amounts of need can vary wildly. However, it is important for any consumer to know how much power they will need when buying a portable generator. It is important because buying too much or too little power can be a big mistake. Too much generator and you will be ... Views: 1108
A generator can be a very handy thing to have around. It can be useful in an emergency, on camping trips, for tailgating, and on a construction site. There are endless uses for these versatile tools. But what a new generator owner may not know is all the ins and outs of how to operate, care for, ... Views: 998
When I was in first grade, I won my school’s science fair. It wasn’t too hard. All I did was build a Styrofoam model of the solar system, complete with the asteroid belt and all nine planets (yes, there were nine planets back then). I made a moon for the earth, I didn’t bother for all of the ... Views: 1220
Gasoline is one of the most important fuels in use by humans today. It powers our vehicles and our machines. It provides light, heat, and security. This versatile energy source is a wonder of modern technology and ancient chemicals. Most people understand that burning gasoline produces energy to ... Views: 1211
Most people understand that diesel fuel is used to power things such as truck engines, generators, and other large vehicles. But what many do not understand is how diesel works as a fuel and how it is made. This article will describe how the components of diesel are mined, combined, and then ... Views: 1445
Obviously, as a consumer, when I purchase a product, I want to buy the best brand of that product within my price range. I feel safe in saying that this applies to the majority of American consumers. There are some things that I can purchase that I don’t need an expert to tell me the ... Views: 863
On average, about three hurricanes will hit the United States coast per year. That doesn’t sound like a lot, but when you consider the kind of damage they can wreak, three is three too many. Going off statistics from 2011, in which there were a staggering seven hurricanes, 100 people were ... Views: 808
Just twenty years ago, India would have been considered by many to be one of the most impoverished countries on the planet. The country modeled it’s protectionist economy off of colonial era England’s and soviet Russia’s. The country’s sluggish GDP growth between 1947 and 1991 rarely eclipsed ... Views: 1484
I’m going to let you in on a little secret: I’m a little construction challenged. I have my other virtues (or at least I hope I do), but for whatever reason, the process of building something from scratch has always proved to be a Herculean task for me. I remember receiving a fancy computer ... Views: 908
It may anger a lot of people on the right, but the environmental movement has slowly but surely gained a lot of popularity. Going green is no longer just for the hippies, American business culture has been inundated by the green movement. Everything from the automobile making industry to the ... Views: 1026
There is a lot of debate in engineering circles about who invented the electric generator and when. The prevailing theory is that Michael Faraday invented it in 1831. However, there are some who believe an Italian physicist named Aloisio Galvani conceived of it 41 years prior. Be that as it ... Views: 1009
Let’s be honest, the world of electrical engineering is lacking in celebrities. If there’s any name that springs to mind for those that are ill informed about the advent of electrical technology, that name is most likely Benjamin Franklin. Certainly that would be the case for Americans who ... Views: 3290
It happens all too often. You are sitting around the living room watching a movie, eating popcorn in the comfort of your home with your family and the process of enjoying the company of those that you love suddenly ends because the entire house goes dark. It can be very disconcerting when this ... Views: 820
If you are yet to be in the market for a large industrial generator like the ones sold then you may not know in what situation you would need one. In most cases large powerfully generators are used on large construction jobs that require an onsite electrical supply. If you are finding yourself ... Views: 1135
There is a popular TV show that follows the fate of gold miners in the Alaskan wilderness as they hung gold through the summer months. Gold mining in Alaska requires incredible amounts of machines and manpower. Digging through several feet of frozen mud is a monumental task that only the largest ... Views: 1325
In recent years, as technology has advanced, an ever increasing importance has been placed on the ability to maintain power through emergencies. The further technology advances, the more reliant we become on that new and advanced technology. Many of the small miracles provided by advanced ... Views: 1077
Building a home is often a once in a lifetime opportunity. There is a magical feeling about building a house from the ground up, making not just a building to live in but putting piece by piece together the perfect home. From working with an architect on the blueprint, a landscaper on the ... Views: 968
Everyone has experience it at least once, some more often than they’d care to think about. Power outage. It is a frustrating occurrence, and one that all too aptly demonstrates humans’ dependency on energy. Without it, we are stuck lighting candles and flashlights, unable to flush our own ... Views: 997