According to the archeologists, the history of cosmetics and its related fields dates back to the olden days about 3500 years BC. The ancient Greeks and Romans all have been known to use the cosmetics. Later in the 19th century, women were very fond of using the cosmetics and liked to be known ... Views: 2131
Are you looking for a solution that is a perfect replacement? Acrylic is there with numerous advantages that surpasses the traditional usage of glass. Be it windows, doors etc acrylic is more reliable and provides benefits in every area of comparison with an ordinary glass. Although, world ... Views: 940
In Dubai, we are ranked among the top waxing services provider. We have a large portfolio of clients which is the result of years of hard work and relationship management. We feel that lowest customer turnover is the key to success and for this to happen, our vision and mission is to attract ... Views: 786
Research around the globe reveals that human beings now work more than ever before. This can be corroborated from the fact that information and knowledge now becomes outdated every week or so. In this hectic world, people find it difficult to take time out for their personal health. But thanks ... Views: 756
If you feel that your busy life is driving you crazy and the stress in your life is going to kill you, then you have reached the right spot. We offer complete package of stress reducing services that improves your standards of living and make you full of beans, sociable and lively. In Dubai, our ... Views: 784