Take a moment to consider how your day flows along with seemingly little effort when you wake up in a good mood. Conversely, on those mornings when you awaken with a rough start, things can sometimes seem to spiral from one undesired event to the next. Is this just coincidence? Are the events ... Views: 903
“A human being is not attaining his full heights until he is educated.” ~ Horace Mann
While this is certainly a true statement, what much of the population fails to realize is that the quest to become – and remain – educated is on-going. That’s exactly as is should be, if you think about it, ... Views: 1165
Do you have a goal? I certainly hope so! Even better is a list of many goals, each one leading up to the next as we begin to discover our purpose in life and our passions going into the future. And while everyone seems to have a dream, it’s no secret that many of us struggle to achieve those ... Views: 1095
Many roads to success exist, and the choices can be overwhelming. And once you have decided upon a path, there is also the possibility of encountering a number of road blocks along the way. In fact, road blocks are fairly likely. Some people let these road blocks stop them from pursuing their ... Views: 999
You know how you sometimes find yourself reflecting upon people you’ve met in the past? I am always impressed by how some people can leave a lasting impression upon our lives, even as a result of the briefest of meetings. The person in this example is a little old man named Gym. Yes, that’s ... Views: 1574