Do you feel like you do not have time to accomplish all the things you have on your “to-do list”? Or, are you one of those people who love to leave things for later and in the end, those things never get done making you feel unaccomplished? It probably means that you need to work on improving ... Views: 1671
What would you say if I tell you that you have the power to control your destiny and to create a better future for yourself just by thinking and focusing on the things you really want to achieve in life? You may think… “that is too good to be true.” Well, let me tell you that the brain is the ... Views: 959
It is commonly known that one of the best indicators that you may be getting yourself out of your comfort zone is when you think about something you want to do or achieve and your first reaction to it is… NO WAY! Most people want to make changes in their lives or career. They have goals or ... Views: 1540
How many of you have woken up in random mornings with zero idea on how to spend your day? Or more simple; how many of you can mention at least five real goals that you would like to accomplish within the next year? I am pretty sure that some of you answered yes to the first question while others ... Views: 1209
When was the last time you felt sad or upset because someone did something that hurt you or disappointed you? I surely remember my last time. I was trying to prepare a delicious meal for a group of friends and when I was in the middle of it, one of my friends said these exact words… “Since when ... Views: 8215