You’re about to begin an important project --- and suddenly all the chores you’ve been ignoring demand immediate attention. This happens whenever I head towards my computer for some serious writing. Dishes, laundry, plants that need repotting – anything and everything keeps me ... Views: 814
I’m a sucker for romance. I love movies where boy meets girl, boy loses girl and, against all odds, they find their way back to each other. Or films about star-crossed lovers, as in Bridges of Madison County, who return to their separate lives forever changed.
In real life, though, I have ... Views: 854
It was the hardest decision of my life. Was now the time to put my mother in a nursing home?
My mother, at 83, is fiercely independent and lives on her own. Unfortunately she is becoming more and more confused due to Alzheimers. After the low score on her last geriatric evaluation, the ... Views: 1311
Like the song by Linda Ronstadt, “a dream is a wish that your heart makes." To lose a dream is to die a little yourself. It means closing down the part of you that can soar above the reality of your current life to see new and exciting possibilities.
Whenever she walks down a street, a ... Views: 861
Think of a small, vulnerable child. You yell at her, tell her she’s always making a mess and that she’ll never amount to anything. Does this make her shape up and do better? No! She shrinks into her little corner, afraid to make another move. Or maybe she lashes out at you in anger. ... Views: 1118
The day has finally arrived. You just said goodbye to your colleagues and now you are retired. For years you dreamed of this - being able to stay up late, sleep in when you choose, go on vacation during what USED to be your busiest period at work.
What’s it really like?
Most people ... Views: 5737
Advertising for St. Valentine’s Day seemed more relentless than ever this year. Everywhere I turned, I saw candy hearts or jewelry glistening in store displays. Radio announcers drummed the message home through constant promotions of dinner for two. There was no one “special” ... Views: 832
Recently a romantic relationship came to an end and I found myself alone again. The minutes, the hours now felt empty. For three weeks I sat beside a silent phone, rehashing the past and coming to terms with my loss. After the warmth and intimacy of love, my loneliness felt like a great abyss ... Views: 1125
I’m a sucker for romance. I love movies where boy meets girl, boy loses girl and, against all odds, they find their way back to each other. Or films about star-crossed lovers, as in Bridges of Madison County, who return to their separate lives forever changed.
In real life, though, I have ... Views: 1050
Recently a romantic relationship came to an end and I found myself alone again. The minutes, the hours now felt empty. For three weeks I sat beside a silent phone, rehashing the past and coming to terms with my loss. After the warmth and intimacy of love, my loneliness felt like a great abyss ... Views: 1112
Eleven o’clock on a weeknight I found myself phoning a man whom I’d recently met. We had been talking regularly and I just wanted to hear the sound of his voice.
No answer. After four rings his answering machine kicked in and I hung up. How strange. This man made a point of staying home during ... Views: 3697
I visit my mother in a nursing home several days a week. Each time I leave I am grateful for being able to walk into the bright sunshine on my own two legs. There are so many things to be thankful for in my life – among them good health, my skills and abilities and caring relationships. I find ... Views: 4951
Advertising for St. Valentine’s Day seemed more relentless than ever this year. Everywhere I turned, I saw candy hearts or jewelry glistening in store displays. Radio announcers drummed the message home through constant promotions of dinner for two. There was no one “special” in my life. I had ... Views: 1218
To determine your degree of life satisfaction, answer True or False to the following.
I enjoy getting out of bed most mornings, as I look forward to starting the day.
I see the problems in my life as challenges which I can learn from.
I am usually able to focus on what I am doing ... Views: 6125
Years ago I based my feelings of self-worth on performance and how much I could achieve in school or in business. When I turned to professional writing, my internal rating system focused on the number of sales. But guess what? My need for external approval was a bottomless pit. I could never get ... Views: 1445
You’re about to begin an important project --- and suddenly all the chores you’ve been ignoring demand immediate attention. This happens whenever I head towards my computer for some serious writing. Dishes, laundry, plants that need repotting – anything and everything keeps me from my ... Views: 1821
Want to get better connected to your inner self? To access your deeper thoughts and unblock your emotion? Try journaling!
I have been journaling for two years now, and it’s like having a special friend. Someone who’s always there to listen. There is something very comforting about writing in ... Views: 2129
It was the hardest decision of my life. Was now the time to put my mother in a nursing home?
My mother, at 83, is fiercely independent and lives on her own. Unfortunately she is becoming more and more confused due to Alzheimers. After the low score on her last geriatric evaluation, the ... Views: 1259