History of the head and neck
The area of the head and neck have always been of importance to the practitioner due to the volume of clients that come in complaining of a range of issues including neck pain and stiffness, to headaches in various areas of the skull. We have many strings to our ... Views: 1546
Tom Myers went to exhaustive lengths to establish the links or lines of the fascial system and how they are so important in functional mobility of the musculoskeletal system. By stripping cadavers of all but their unique fascial systems he has hypothesized that there are 7 major lines or ... Views: 3298
Lower Back Pain Strategies by Your Musculoskeletal Specialist Paula Nutting
Mobility – the ability of the musculoskeletal structures or segments of the body to move or be moved to allow the presence of range of notion for functional activities. The ability of an individual to initiate, control ... Views: 1531