Oftentimes seen as a structurally subtle body segment, the neck is burdened with the highly difficult task of supporting the human head. Because of the tension, trauma, and poor posture inherent in the workplace today, it is no surprise that head-on-neck and neck-on-thorax imbalances serve as ... Views: 1283
Tight muscles create asymmetry and weak muscles allow for asymmetry in both the myofascial and skeletal systems. Deep, intrinsic muscles and the bony framework of the body are inseparable: What affects one always affects the other. Until the therapist devises a basic understanding of how deep ... Views: 1306
In a highly functioning body, the neuro-myoskeletal system hangs in dynamic balance, with each part balancing the other. But when a woman chooses to wear high heels, a new dynamic equilibrium occurs. If even one body part becomes fixed, the whole system must compensate with altered movement ... Views: 1589
Humans are created to move in order to survive – locomotion must precede all other activities. The past few decades have witnessed the development of two diverse schools of thought, each with their own biomechanical explanations detailing the seemingly simple act of walking. In this article, Dr. ... Views: 1391
Piriformis syndrome should not be treated as an isolated event, even if tests such as the Pace, Freiberg, and Beatty are positive. A stable pelvis, derived through proper upper and lower quadrant balance, is essential for long-term correction of sciatic nerve conditions. All ligaments and ... Views: 1210
ITB syndrome is typically regarded as an overuse injury. In this article, Dr. Dalton explains how his Myoskeletal Alignment home study techniques can provide solutions for this misdiagnosis, and offers a case study of just such an instance.
Iliotibial band (ITB) syndrome is typically ... Views: 1229
Contemporary bodyworkers are blessed with three freedoms rarely afforded other professional health care practitioners - the three M’s: Minutes, Myofascia, and Maintenance. In this article, Dr. Dalton expounds on the importance of utilizing all three tools.
Let’s Talk Minutes
With most ... Views: 990
The 42-Pound Head
Erik Dalton, Ph.D.
as published in Massage Today Magazine May 2010
It’s not unusual to have clients walk into your office sporting a 12-pound head that has migrated three inches forward of their shoulders. You are sure prior to palpation that their cervical extensors ... Views: 2247
by Erik Dalton Ph.D.
as published in Massage & Bodywork Magazine
The miracle of motherhood is eloquently expressed when observing how perfectly the female body is planned to conceive, birth, and nurture a child. Following conception, a woman and her unborn baby fuse in an oceanic blend of ... Views: 978