Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA) are one of the most effective anti-aging skin care ingredients available to us, today. Therefore, it’s not surprising that most high-end skin care and cosmetic products contain small concentrations of AHA. Over-the-counter AHA products must contain concentrations of ... Views: 1904
The Law of Attraction does not always work. This is an unfortunate reality for many who attempt to apply this principle to their lives.
Of course, the pain of failing again and again at applying the Law of Attraction is frustrating and can cause even the most determined people to abandon this ... Views: 2123
Finding the right natural remedy for your dry skin is very important. The following items are two of the most effective, all-natural, dry skin care ingredients available for sale at most health stores.
Oatmeal: The Miracle Skin Care Ingredient
Take full advantage of the healing benefits of ... Views: 2489
The path to finding happiness is a life-long journey, full of ups and downs and twists in the road that lead many of us astray. But the good news is that happiness can be attained through many sources such as creative expression.
Though each one of our paths to happiness is undoubtedly ... Views: 2258
“You ARE what you think!”
Simply put, the law of attraction is based on the philosophy that if you truly believe in that which you desire, and endeavor to focus all your mental energy on attaining it, you will begin to attract to yourself all that you need to attain the object of your desire ... Views: 1450
We think thousands of thoughts every day and talk to ourselves more than anyone else. We are our own most trusted adviser and confidant. In fact, most of the conversations that we have with ourselves are never shared with anyone else because doing so will expose our real selves.
Why So Many ... Views: 1287
What is Visualization?
Visualization is an effective weight loss method.
This is how it works: In your mind’s eye, try to maintain a clear picture of how you will look once you reach your goal weight. This in turn will set in motion an unconscious psychological process commonly referred to ... Views: 1383