What if the weather is dull, cold and dry, you can still have glowing skin this winters. Our skin, especially facial skin plays a very important role in our day to day life. It can attract as well as repel people and their attention from you. While a soft, supple and glowing skin attracts people ... Views: 1105
We all know that our body is made up of thousands of organs and all these organs combine to make into various organ systems. All these organ systems are very important for us because they play a very important role in our body. As in all these organ systems have their own individual piece of ... Views: 784
It becomes sometimes impossible to always keep a good and healthy physic in metro cities. Generally people know that eating at road side junk food is unhealthy and unhygienic to eat. But they are helpless to eat these foods because of time limitations or their greedy tongue demands.To be fond of ... Views: 3038
Eye plays an important role in our body system. This is the only medium, through which we can imagine our life on the basis of what we see is what we have with our true efforts. So it becomes our prime duty towards us to protect our eyes as on priority.
Maintaining hygiene practices of hands ... Views: 1104
We all are among the ones who wish for soft and lush lips. Soft lips attract everyone and are also very easy to maintain. Lips lack natural oils that are necessary for protecting them against the dry winter winds and reduced humidity in homes and businesses with indoor heating. Preventing ... Views: 860
Women are the most beautiful creatures on the world. Along with the beauty they have plenty of responsibilities to deal with. They are considered to be the makers of the family and relationships and are full of love, affection and care. A healthy woman means a healthy family. She takes care of ... Views: 825
India and Indians has always been famous for the natural and home remedies. We always have home made methods for all kinds of disease or problems. The recipes also work always and are very effective. They do not cause any side effects and are not even harmful. So here are a few of natural ways ... Views: 824
Action plan of asthma may mean a program created along with doctor to assist in managing the asthma. It may contain a list of triggers that are responsible for the symptoms of asthma and how to avoid them. There is also a need to include a list of causes of asthma so to identify the option of ... Views: 1369
Asthma is a disorder that causes swelling of the airways of the lungs and makes them narrow. The condition leads to wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing.
Symptoms of asthma-
Symptoms of asthma may range from minor to severe and may vary from one person to another. The ... Views: 1343
“Health is Wealth”, this saying is absolutely correct. In metropolitan city it becomes really difficult to keep yourself fit and perfectly in shape. There is so much of rush and pressure in cites related to work, family, society, etc that it really becomes a tough job to keep your health fit and ... Views: 895
We are learning three basic needs of life since the time of our childhood i.e. food, clothing and shelter. This is all what we live and earn for. Food and shelter can still be purchased, but what about our health? Can we purchase our health? No! We are self responsible for our health as a whole. ... Views: 761
Brain tumor is a condition in which cells grow abnormally in the brain.
Symptoms of brain tumors-
The symptoms of brain tumor depend upon the size, location and growth of the tumor. Common signs and symptoms may include:
• New onset or change in pattern of headaches
• Headaches that ... Views: 884
“Beauty to me, is about being comfortable in your own skin “, rightly said by someone. Every one has a secret nerve that answers the vibrations of being beautiful. Beauty has always been a priority of first impression, be it a man or a women. Beauty and a great skin is desire of everyone without ... Views: 1015
Bones forms the basic structure of the human body. Without bone there won’t be a structured body. There is a total networking of bones which makes our complete structure and makes it easy to perform various functions. Bones and ligaments have given us positions and flexes. Many times in ... Views: 3730
We all know that our body is made up of thousands of organ and all these organs combine to make into various organ systems. All these organ systems have there own individual piece of work but they all work in a proper coordination so that our body can have a proper mechanism. If there is any ... Views: 944