Have you been feeling the doldrums with your job lately? Do you find yourself procrastinating with certain tasks? Is it hard to get up in the morning to get to work? If you answered "yes" to these questions, chances are there is incongruence between your job and your life purpose. And, the good ... Views: 957
As a business and life coach, I often find myself discussing the importance of saying "no" with busy, stressed out business owners and professionals. Everyone likes the idea of saying "no" more often, at least in theory. But, when it comes to actually doing it, I hear a lot of "yes, buts." In ... Views: 926
When spring rolls around, we often get busy cleaning our homes and clearing out the clutter. It certainly feels good to look around your home and notice everything neat, clean, and put in its place. Cleaning out the clutter around your house is a way of cleaning out your mental clutter, or ... Views: 1085
So often, we get busy with our day to day lives and don't step back to look at the big picture. Are you enjoying life? Or does life feel like a struggle? Do you wake each day thinking, "Today I have to..."" or do you wake thinking, "Today I get to..." There is a big difference.
I recently ... Views: 887