At 4:20am, I woke up, showered and got dressed so I could be at my friend Sujatha’s house by 5am. As I walked a short distance down the hill to her home, people were just waking up themselves as they prepared for their own morning’s puja (ritual). I passed a some cows and a few dogs which were ... Views: 1659
The are studies that say we only use a small percentage of our brains. What are we hiding from ourselves? What are the capabilities if we were to access the unused parts of our brains? We are only limited by our own thoughts. We are boundless beings, the creators of our own realities. ... Views: 1222
Have you ever noticed how spiritual leaders really live their lives? Oftentimes, we place these people above ourselves and put them on a pedestal. I feel that when we so this, we are setting them up (and ourselves) for a great fall. My own sister used to tell me how much better than her she ... Views: 944
Bylakuppe is a Tibetan refugee settlement about 29km to the west of Mysore in southern India. When I was living in India I went into the hills as a retreat from the intense heat for holiday. I took a bus from the station by Gandhi Square in Mysore, where I was living at the time. The bus ... Views: 2138
Opening our hearts to live and love to our fullest potential may not be as easy as it sounds. Many people have been hurt so deeply, that this pain closes us down in such a way that we cut ourselves off from fully feeling. Knowingly or unknowingly we build walls around ourselves that harden our ... Views: 1022
Although difficult to definitively measure the number of people doing yoga these days, it is estimated by the North American Studio Alliance that one out of every seven people in North America practiced yoga in 2010. The question remains, however, of how many people have a devotional, steady, ... Views: 3818
Self Awakening is the natural state of being human! We all have this birth-right and we all desire to live happy, safe, fulfilling lives. I have learned through my own practice of yoga, meditation, self-reflection and spiritual studies that we can actually re-program the way we think, so to ... Views: 1536
Many people think that yoga consists only of asana, postures and forms that we put our body in and pranayama, breathing exercises. However, those are only two aspects of the practice. Ashtanga Yoga is also a bit misunderstood as being correlated to a power yoga style of practice. Just a a ... Views: 1159
The Thanksgiving holiday has just passed and for the first time in my life, I celebrated it alone. Life seems to have been so busy and moving so quickly lately, that I felt I needed some down time to reflect on what is transpiring in my life. Taking time for myself to be thankful for all the ... Views: 1256