Weight loss can be a very tough and emotional experience. It can take time and patience and some people feel deprived for a long time before they reach their goal. What I like about the HCG diet success is that people lose weight faster, stay motivated and achieve a lot of other physical and ... Views: 953
Co Q 10, also known as ubiquinol or ubiquinone, is essential for the mitochondria to produce energy. The mitochondria are in every cell of your body. They generate energy to keep cells alive. If mitochondria are not functioning properly illness and cell death occurs. Co Q10 benefits the ... Views: 1095
We think of screening exams such as pap, mammography, PSA and other tests as preventive medicine, however, these as well as many others are really early detection. To truly prevent an illness, you must seek early signs of its development and/or take precautions to prevent it.
What is ... Views: 984
The American thyroid Association states, “An estimated 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease. Up to 60 percent of those with thyroid disease are unaware of their condition. Women are five to eight times more likely than men to have thyroid problems. One woman in eight will ... Views: 922
Looking for the best anti aging skin care regime? The best anti aging skin care products are not necessarily what you put on your skin as what you put in your mouth. Oxidation and sun exposure cause wrinkles, sun exposure and hormone imbalances cause age spots, smoking, toxins and hormone ... Views: 1215
Why can’t you lose weight? Getting weight off and keeping it off tends to be a challenge for many people. Understanding your genetics and metabolism can help you choose among several weight loss options.
Genetic pre disposition
Genetics plays a role in weight gain, weight loss and weight ... Views: 1040
Are you feeling fat, flabby, flaky, foggy, fatigued or forgetful, maybe even frumpy?
Welcome to hormonal havoc. Women have very complex and interconnected systems that regulate hormones. There is no need to worry because a lot is under your control. While hormones control everything such as ... Views: 1170
Do you want to decelerate the aging process? Aging can mean hardening of your arteries, high blood pressure, loss of memory, muscle and bone, as well as frailty and ailments. What if you have something that could delay and possibly reverse those?
You do, it’s anti aging exercise.
Beat ... Views: 1221
Are you getting fat for no reason? It could be your thyroid. Hypothyroidism and weight loss go hand in hand. Your thyroid gland regulates metabolism. Metabolism is breaking down the food you eat to produce energy and the breakdown products are used to build new cells and tissues. Every cell is ... Views: 1071
Feeling fat, fatigued, forgetful, foggy, slow and constipated? These are symptoms of an underactive thyroid. The health of your thyroid is affected by your diet. If you have these symptoms, following an underactive thyroid diet may heal your thyroid gland and prevent the need for thyroid ... Views: 1053
Got PMS? Bloating, weight gain, mood swings, cramps, headaches, tension, anger,anxiety, irritability, cravings, increased appetite, tender breasts and fluid retention are hallmarks of premenstrual syndrome fondly known as PMS. These symptoms generally peak a week or two before your period and ... Views: 1139
Aging and Weight Loss: What you must know to fight the battle of the bulge.
Suffering from middle age spread? Are finding that the things that you used to do to lose weight just don’t work anymore? Aging and weight loss are tied together in a hormonal and environmental symphony, which strikes ... Views: 953
2015-1 Hormone Replacement Options for Men and Women
If your levels of hormones are low you may be considering some hormone replacement options and want to know the pros and cons of each.
There are several options available and the two most important hormone replacement options are the ... Views: 913
Do you want to become rusty, crusty, fat and inflamed or try slowing the aging process and live being slim, sharp, sexy and supercharged? Aging is inevitable but how quickly you age and the quality of your life as you age is largely dependent on the choices you make. Understanding the hormonal ... Views: 1016
Top 4 Executive Health Resources
Whether you are the CEO of your household or a major company, if you have people depending on you, it’s important to maintain or enhance your health. Executives rely heavily on financial data, analysis of ROI, and evaluating trends. They have business ... Views: 828
Just as a car needs the right type of gas, properly inflated tires, a sturdy frame, proper maintenance and a responsive driver to run smoothly without trouble, people need a number of things and can easily learn how to live healthier. It is a matter of understanding what your unique needs are. ... Views: 968
Not feeling like yourself anymore? Are you perhaps feeling fat, flabby, flaky, foggy, fatigued or forgetful? When you go doctors, they say you’re stressed, getting old or this is “normal for your age.” You may be prescribed some medication with side effects that are scarier than the symptoms. ... Views: 1141
Nothing is as anti aging and youthful as a toned body. It exudes health and wellness. The right amount of exercise can leave you energized, invigorated and feeling fit and healthy. However, unless you build up slowly and are consistent, you may be prone to muscle pain, soreness and stiffness. ... Views: 877
With the Affordable Care Act in full swing, many consumers are surprised by the changes in coverage hidden in the fine print or couched in terms that are confusing. There are a lot of things to consider when choosing a policy. Even if you are covered, getting reimbursed can be challenging. Here ... Views: 776
Tendons are bands of tissue that connect muscle to bone and ligaments connect bone to bone. Without them you can’t move. Collagen provides structure and strength while mucopolysaccharides hold them together to allow them to stretch, flex, bend and retain resilience against injury. Both tendons ... Views: 1974
Magnesium is a miraculous mineral that is responsible for activating over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body. You need it to make ATP, the energy molecule as well as for proper heart, nerve and muscle function. Magnesium is necessary for protein synthesis, blood sugar control, and blood ... Views: 1208
There is no shortage of diet books from A to Z: Atkins to Zone and everything in between, yet there is still an obesity epidemic! You can lose weight on any diet but you have to ask the questions: Will it leave you Slim downmetabolically better or worse? How likely is it you will gain the weight ... Views: 966
You may have 45,990 unique chemical exposures from personal care products. Are they safe? The American woman uses 12 personal care products per day with 126 unique ingredients and men use 6, multiply that by 365 days per year and you have a large exposure that your liver and kidneys have to ... Views: 1316
Sleep can make you slim, sharp, sexy and supercharged. It raises the anti aging medicine hormone called growth hormone which helps you rejuvenate and repair tissue, keeps you slim and sharp and helps you sleep. During sleep you have higher melatonin levels, an antioxidant hormone that induces ... Views: 1764
Obesity is an epidemic and at the root cause of many chronic illnesses. Even being overweight can set you on a path of disease that can kill you. Fat causes inflammation, which leads to everything from Alzheimer’s, cancer, diabetes, heart attacks, joint degeneration and pain, stroke, and so much ... Views: 1512
When big clumps of hair come out as they brush, wash or comb their hair, patients come running to me in a panic, afraid they will become bald. Balding is fairly common in men and can start in their 20’s. Most women’s hair will thin when they are entering perimenopause or menopause but they ... Views: 1168
The Right Whey
Many people want to add protein to their diets without a lot of fat and calories. High protein diets have been shown in medical nutrition studies to enhance weight loss and lower inflammation and cholesterol. This makes protein shakes a quick, easy meal or snack without the ... Views: 1299
Any functional medicine menopause doctor knows that just giving hormones to women experiencing symptoms may not be enough. What you eat, drink, think, how much you sleep and exercise and your environmental exposures can all affect your hormones.
When under stress, cortisol is produced at the ... Views: 1077
Do you often slack off on the healthy habits you commit to? It’s easy to say that you are doing better than someone else or you are not doing so badly. What if you had a more definitive answer to what your risks are? Medicine has evolved a great deal. Risk was measured by your personal and ... Views: 1432
Did you know that the average primary care doctor’s office visit is less than 11 minutes? How can anyone get to the root cause and treat a whole person in that amount of time?
It’s inevitable that issues might not be addressed unless they are full blown illnesses when insurance will reimburse ... Views: 973
Nutrition is an integral part of our health and well being. It has become complex because our food supply has changed, how much we eat, additives, preservatives, processing and genetic modification make food ingestion a chemical science with our bodies being the laboratory.
Many conditions ... Views: 833
To supplement or not to supplement, that is the question. The answer as to what, when, how much and how long is a more complex subject. Many companies’ promises fall flat and are overstated, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t believe anything. As with any product or promise, looking at the ... Views: 1122
Hardened arteries, weak, brittle bones, cancer and heart disease are major contributors of aging. Research suggests that Vitamin K can have an impact of preventing or reversing these effects.
Vitamin K, like other vitamins found in nature is really a group of compounds. The different forms or ... Views: 1857
Getting forgetful and having difficulty with attention is a common complaint, especially in middle age. While many factors contribute to this, both men and women suffer from cognitive decline and memory lapses when they have low estrogen or testosterone hormones. Studies have indicated that the ... Views: 811
Imagine the shock of a weight loss expert gaining weight. It can happen to anyone and the answer is always getting to the root cause and recommitting. Don’t judge, berate or punish yourself with negative self talk. It only serves to hurt and not help. Let your vision of vibrant health, being ... Views: 853
When it comes to exercise, do you have a hard time finding the time or get stopped by lack of equipment or desire to join a gym? Can you find 7 minutes in your schedule? Just imagine that in only 7 minutes you can get all of the benefits of a long aerobic and resistance training workout without ... Views: 1005
Men’s hormones go through fluctuations at different stages of life. Just think of a teenage boy when testosterone is ramping up and their minds and bodies are not accustomed to their effects. The surges are erratic and can result in feelings of being powerful and confident and performing actions ... Views: 1564
One of Oprah's viewers diagnosed her as having a problem with her thyroid. That was one factor in her constant struggle with weight. Your thyroid is the main hormone of metabolism and it affects your energy, weight, mood, temperature, fertility, menstrual cycles, hair growth, bowel movements, ... Views: 3551
Whenever I hear someone talk about health habits, I hear: eat right, exercise and manage your stress. While these are all important components, there is more to good health. We are all interconnected and affected by our environment and our relationships. Oftentimes I am asked what is the one ... Views: 1180
Why exercise? Inactivity is a fast-growing public health concern that is a major contributor to obesity, heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, frailty, falls, fractures and lack of self esteem. There is an "inactivity epidemic," with ... Views: 1802
Weight loss is not just a matter of calories in and calories out. There are many factors that contribute to weight loss or weight gain. Addressing only the calories leaves you vulnerable to a disappointing weight loss or weight regain. It can leave you in a metabolic mess. Let's explore the less ... Views: 1387
Do you want to reboot your system and eliminate bloating, and lose weight? Toxins, enzyme inefficiency and food intolerance can be the culprit. Give your system a rest from digesting processed and toxic foods and nourish your liver and gastrointestinal tract. The result will be newfound energy ... Views: 1310
Any diet can be associated with weight loss; the question is will it leave you metabolically better or worse. There is still controversy about low fat versus low carbohydrate diets. After reviewing the literature and comments and conclusions of researchers, there is evidence to suggest that ... Views: 1052
Wouldn’t it be nice to indulge during the holidays and either lose or not gain weight? How about green tea? It’s green for the holiday season, warm, has no calories and has a lot of positive benefits. I reviewed the research on green tea for weight loss and the results are mixed. One study ... Views: 1120
The news has again been filled with reports of the dangers of hormone replacement therapy. The latest study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association on October 20, 2010 looked at the same people from the infamous Women’s Health Initiative (WHI). The news isn’t that different, ... Views: 1046
You are only as young as your oldest part, so what’s aging you? Is it your bones? Do you exercise; are you weak in one area? It’s that weak part that will fracture with a fall. Perhaps you are losing your balance. The changes are so subtle that you hardly notice until you try to recover from a ... Views: 949
What’s fishy about your fish oil? The standard bottles boast over 2,000 mg in a capsule. However when your read the fine print, the part of the oil that has the benefits of decreasing inflammation, lowering cholesterol and preventing clotting and other health benefits are the eicosapentaenoic ... Views: 1083
Still struggling with your New Year’s resolution to lose weight? Snowed or iced in and can’t get to the gym? I will share with you tips that require little effort. These are taken from an article I wrote for Sillk Purse Women and apply to men as well. You can read it here or on their website Ten ... Views: 1076
Want to turn that spare tire into a six-pack? While I am a proponent of the tried and true, natural approach to a slow and steady weight loss using a healthy diet, portion control and exercise, sometimes it takes a long time and people get discouraged. Stubborn fat around the midline is one of ... Views: 1239
News flash! You can safely get rid of your hot flashes! Estrogen is not so bad after all. A study in JAMA Journal of the American Medical Association April 2011 found that estrogen alone had a reduced risk of breast cancer and their risk of stroke declined after stopping the medication.
There ... Views: 972