For many years I thought that Passover was primarily the recollection of historical events. I thought it was the time of year that Jews (and others) show respect for the miraculous freedom that God granted a people enslaved for hundreds of years in Egypt.
But the more I study, the more I ... Views: 2200
Chanukah is not a subject found in Torah, the first five books of the Bible, or any other place in the Bible. The holiday of Chanukah memorializes a military victory of a small band of rebels against a large army of Seleucids, based in Syria, who were part of the Greek empire. And they also ... Views: 1528
I hadn’t really thought much about how time spent “out of the loop” of regular activities such as work and personal obligations could actually increase my lifespan, but I started thinking about it today. When I read a recent interview with Dr. Bernie Siegel, author of “A Book Of Miracles” and ... Views: 1026
Here are the two basic definitions of the word “ambassador,” 1) An accredited diplomat sent by a country as its official representative to a foreign country, and 2) A person who acts as a representative or promoter of a specified activity.
Ambassadors can be appointed by governments, ... Views: 1305
Wikipedia defines monotheism as “… the belief in the existence of one and only one god.” Apparently the word God is not capitalized the way most of us would normally type it because of the fact that there are many gods in other religions and we don’t normally capitalize the word when we refer to ... Views: 942
Maybe I am unique, but religion means the same thing as spirituality to me. I see a lot of teachers and students separating those two subjects these days, and it seems very curious to me. The word “religion” comes from the Latin word meaning “to tie, bind or fasten.” Doesn’t it seem logical to ... Views: 2247
There is a noticeable trend in hard-copy books and articles published online that would make our grandparents turn over in their graves. I say that because the word “religion,” which was sacred to previous generations, has acquired a patina of resentment in the last few generations. I don’t know ... Views: 1017