Usually after a terrible event in our lives, we tend to blame everybody else, or even God, or the Universe. I did this too, mainly after relationship break-ups. I knew that this was not the right thing to do, but still, I had all this anger against the unfairness of the situation.
This is so ... Views: 1236
When there is a break-up or a divorce, children are usually the ones that are suffering so much! I lived this and I know the pain my daughter was in when her parents decided to divorce. In fact, her whole world crumble, and with it her safety, part of her identity, the loss of the family, the ... Views: 1495
One of the most difficult time in our lives is experiencing a Divorce!
Well, there is so much trauma linked to a Divorce, so much hurt, and at a deep level, we may feel that we are trapped in a legal drama, with feeling of not being good enough, of guilt, of pain, of regrets, of resentment. ... Views: 1187