According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, the power and control of verbal abuse is certainly a form of domestic violence.
I was in a grocery store several days ago when I heard a man speaking to his partner in a low voice. So I pretended to look through various ... Views: 994
Mark and Valerie had just left a movie. Hand in hand, they strolled toward their car and suddenly heard shouting and screaming. They stopped walking. The mall parking lot was well lit. They listened, scanned the area but did not see nor hear anyone.
As Mark opened the door to their car, ... Views: 1173
“Mommy, Mommy,” cried the seven year old. “You have blood on your face and in your hair,” she said in a fearful voice.
“It’s okay sweetheart. Mommy just fell in the shower.”
She was silent for a moment than said, “I heard Daddy yelling at you last night. It woke me up.
Will he ... Views: 1194
Leaving an abusive spouse can be very traumatic, however, you are not alone. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, an estimated 1.3 million women are victims each year and the numbers are growing.
In so many cases, you as the victim of Domestic Violence are under the ... Views: 1294
Domestic Violence and Honesty: Are you protecting your abusive spouse/partner?
It is late one evening and her spouse began to rant and rave about her job; a job which often required overtime hours but paid extremely well. She had called her husband to let him know she would be late, ... Views: 1666
You have watched and worried about your daughter or friend who married several years ago. She and her husband have attended family dinners and outings. As parents and friends, you have seen bruises on her; a black eye one time and a bruise on her cheek another. You have carefully approached her ... Views: 2818