Larry F. Waldman, Ph.D., ABPP
The divorce rate in the U.S. continues to hover around 50 percent and the dissolution incidence when one or both of the parties have been previously married is about 65 percent. This is a national travesty. The ... Views: 705
Larry F. Waldman, Ph.D., ABPP
The divorce rate in the U.S. continues to hover around 50 percent and the dissolution incidence when one or both of the parties have been previously married is about 65 percent. This is a national travesty. The ... Views: 688
Recently, I overheard an adolescent tell her friend, “I was so depressed yesterday but I’m fine today.” Her friend replied, “Yeah, I understand; I get depressed sometimes, too.”
This conversation reflects the very common misuse of the term “depression.” Most individuals mistakenly refer to ... Views: 764
Recently, I overheard an adolescent tell her friend, “I was so depressed yesterday but I’m fine today.” Her friend replied, “Yeah, I understand; I get depressed sometimes, too.”
This conversation reflects the very common misuse of the term “depression.” Most individuals mistakenly refer to ... Views: 727
Why Seniors Need to Get to the Gym Part 4 (of 4)
Larry Waldman, Ph.D., ABPP
Psychologist/Senior Fitness Specialist
Flexibility and balance are as important to senior fitness as aerobic and strength training. As seen with aerobicizing and weight lifting, this ... Views: 748
Why Seniors Need to Get to the Gym Part 3 (of 4)
Larry F. Waldman, Ph.D., ABPP
Psychologist/Senior Fitness Specialist
Weight Training
Weight training, also referred to as resistance training, strength training, or weight lifting, is important because it builds muscle and ... Views: 753
Why Seniors Need to Get to the Gym
Part 2 (of 4)
Larry F. Waldman, Ph.D., ABPP
Psychologist/Senior Fitness Specialist
Aerobic conditioning is important because it strengthens the heart (which is a muscle), improves lung capacity, oxygenates the brain, and increases ... Views: 760
Why Seniors Need to Get to the Gym
Part 1 (of 4)
Larry F. Waldman, Ph.D., ABPP
Psychologist/Senior Fitness Specialist
Why Seniors Need to Get to the Gym
According to the American Council on Exercise (ACE), after age 50 sedentary individuals lose approximately 1.5% of ... Views: 734
Being Present and Aware—Mindfulness
Larry F. Waldman, Ph.D., ABPP
Freud said depressed people rue the past and anxious individuals fear the future. More than a century later psychologists are currently emphasizing “mindfulness”—being “aware,” focused, and “being in ... Views: 863
Larry F. Waldman, Ph.D., ABPP
Anxiety is the second most common form of mental health disorder, next to depression. In many cases, though, depressed individuals also struggle with anxiety and many anxious people frequently feel depressed. It is estimated ... Views: 772
All living things, human and animal, strive for homeostasis—keeping things balanced. If hungry, we eat; if thirsty, we drink; if sleepy, nap; etc. Humans, though, take this one step further: Not only do we want our biological processes balanced, we want to feel good. (We feel good when the ... Views: 749
Recently, I overheard an adolescent tell her friend, “I was so depressed yesterday but I’m fine today.” Her friend replied, “Yeah, I understand; I get depressed sometimes, too.”
This conversation reflects the very common misuse of the term “depression.” Most individuals mistakenly refer to ... Views: 1038
Just as we develop various behavioral habits, we institute certain thinking habits, as well. Some of our behavioral habits are healthy, like exercising regularly, and some are not, like consuming a bowl of ice cream before bed. By the same token, some of our thinking habits are positive and ... Views: 959
The divorce rate in the U.S. continues to hover around 50 percent and the dissolution incidence when one or both of the parties have been previously married is about 65 percent. This is a national travesty. The amount of emotional angst and money spent, not to mention the extent of trauma ... Views: 1044
For the past twenty years when I present to mental health providers on how to develop, manage, and market a private practice I always ask members of the audience to raise their hand if they practice without an assistant. Depending on the group and location, typically half or even more of the ... Views: 1121
Depression and anxiety are, by far, the most common mental health problems. Nearly 20 percent of the US population struggles with or will struggle with one or both of these problems.
The most common treatment today for these issues is medication—typically prescribed by the primary care ... Views: 1426
Jason, 14 is like most male adolescents. He is into video games, hockey, and, of course, hanging with his friends. If you ask him the classic question adults love to ask teens, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Jason will reply, “I don’t know—maybe a ... Views: 1197
Many smaller associations do not have the membership base to afford paying a “big name” speaker to present at a training or convention. The speakers who present for these associations are usually members of that group and present for free. While this system is cheap, and sometimes can provide ... Views: 1111
A parent tells their young child to brush their teeth. The child responds, “I don’t want to; I don’t feel like it.”
It is perfectly normal for children to believe that they must be in a certain mood state (feel like it) to do something. Most parents, though, tell ... Views: 1286
A basic tenet of behavioral psychology is that the closer the consequence is to the behavior, the more powerful the effect it has on that behavior. For example, if one could eat a sensible nutritious meal, immediately step on the scale and be down two pounds, dieting would be easy. ... Views: 1141
Ironworks Inc. and Acme Steel have been doing business together for twenty-five years. Ironworks manufactures steel widgets and Acme sells raw steel. These two companies have worked together for all this time for two basic reasons: 1. They need each other.
2. The money is right. Ironworks ... Views: 1273
Back in my undergraduate years I took a required course for all psychology majors entitled Experimental Psychology. Early in that course in a lab we were each instructed to train a white rat to turn right in a T-maze. (A successful trial was defined as the rat not going past a line on the left ... Views: 1286
A mother of a boy, 12, I was counseling recently spoke about a “play date” her son had. As had been arranged, the mother of the other boy brought her son over to the house around 1 pm. The two boys greeted each other at the door and immediately proceeded to the bedroom, where they began ... Views: 1393
For some time the divorce rate in the USA for first marriages has held at about 50%. This is a national tragedy. This statistic also means that many people have subsequent marriages.
Common sense suggests that someone who remarries is older, wiser, more mature, has learned from their ... Views: 1191
Having recently returned from a vacation back east, which included a visit to New York City, I found that it took me several days to recover from the jet lag due to the three-hour time difference. One of the first clients I saw upon returning to work in my practice involved an adolescent ... Views: 1285
The parent-teacher conference can be an efficient tool to communicate with your child’s teacher. Below are a few tips on how to make that meeting more productive:
1) Show up: My wife, now retired from teaching fourth grade for 28 years, often said that the parents with whom she most ... Views: 1128
The divorce rate nationally hovers at around fifty percent but it is several percentage points higher in Maricopa County, according to census figures. I believe divorce is a national tragedy, as it is terribly stressful and often expensive for the involved adults, quite sad for the parents ... Views: 1408
Many parents struggle with conversing with their adolescent. Attempts at communication often result in yelling, slamming doors, feelings of resentment, and a sense of hopelessness that issues can be resolved. Below are nine strategies to enhance communication with your teen.
1. Praise ... Views: 1419
As an experienced clinical child psychologist I believe the ultimate goal of any parent is to rear an independent, responsible child. While at first glance this may appear obvious, if we observe most parents in action on a day-to-day basis, it becomes evident that many parents have no idea ... Views: 1599
An adolescent in Texas recently was in the news for killing and/or injuring several persons due to recklessly driving his new BMW while quite intoxicated. Apparently, this teen had an alcohol-related incident a few months before this tragedy. At trial a psychologist testified that this boy ... Views: 1418
Larry F. Waldman, Ph.D., ABPP
Parents regularly tell their children to “study hard” so they can get good grades, get into a good college, get a good job, and be successful. While children are encouraged to study, do they truly know what they should ... Views: 2283
Back in my undergraduate years I took a required course for all psychology majors entitled Experimental Psychology. Early in that course in a lab we were each instructed to train a white rat to turn right in a T-maze. (A successful trial was defined as the rat not going past a line on the left ... Views: 1516