Do you want to develop your children the skill of reading? Do you really wish to teach your child to read without wasting any money on useless “learn to read” programs? Making your child sit in front of the television and computer will not help your child how to read? As parents your main focus ... Views: 553
The days are really challenging and busy for everyone in this 21st century. But in my opinion, kids are probably the busiest human beings in the world. We as parents build up a mountain of expectation in front of our kids. We expect them to act like super kids from the cartoon films who are able ... Views: 1588
The pattern of offering education in schools has undergone a change. Students are no more dependent on their pens and papers. Most of the schools offer audio-visual education which seems to be taking over every other aspect. Audio-visual education involves the sense of sight and hearing to ... Views: 805
In the year 2011, India turned sixty two after her Independence from the British rule. It however continues to be called a developing country. Surprising, because on the one side there are sky scrapers, flyovers, metros, posh schools and tech parks, while on the other hand there are still slums, ... Views: 1618
Anybody who recalls school days definitely remember few things such as desks, benches and chalkboards. We see a chalkboard as just another thing but it plays a vital role while cherishing the memories of school and class rooms. Chalk boards are the strongest medium to impart education as it ... Views: 1226
Computer has become the prime thing now a day. Everything is done with the help of computer be it booking tickets for films or ordering pizzas for home. In offices where previously files used to be maintained in papers, now everything has been converted into digital form. All the files are saved ... Views: 4233
The modern world is so fast that people don’t even have the time to read a full news story in the morning newspaper. As a working person, I carry my newspaper along with me every day when I start from home for my office. I only have the time to read the headlines of the newspaper during my ... Views: 23566
"Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it."— Marian Wright Edelman
Education is the collective knowledge of a person. Education is a necessity; it is a weapon which should be utilized because knowledge gives you power to ... Views: 6975