In a crisis, when everybody else gets very, very excited,
you have to become the calmest person in the room
so you can figure a way out of the situation.
This was Mayor Rudy Giuliani's father's advice to his son.
The mayor said that on Sept 11, his father's "voice was in my head".
We ... Views: 941
I used to be a total failure at dating. A couple of years ago I became quite successful with women (though I still was rejected part of the time) and then I became engaged. It was my initial lack of success that got me wondering what it was that made some people successful and some not.
... Views: 962
When I have acted in anger I have sometimes done very good things such as writing a letter to the editor, donate money to help those who are oppressed and so on. However in my personal life when I have acted in anger it has almost always caused problems. And when I have expressed myself in ... Views: 1520
Is the natural state of a human happy and if so does mental illness, which leads to depression require fuel to shift one's mood from a natural state to a depressed one? Does mental illness, like fire, need fuel to maintain itself? Could mental illness be fueled by self destructive coping ... Views: 1446
The following page shows negative aspects of different religions. I have dedicated another site to their positive aspects, I do not wish to imply that all believers in these religions are bad or that they should be punished. There are good ... Views: 10045
Above all, what we as Americans prize are magic elixirs: simple solutions, closed and totalizing systems of explanation, grand schemes at once easy to understand, applicable to everything and everyone, and which thereby reduce the heart-stopping complexity of the world to a set of nostrums or ... Views: 5031