Some of us treat each moment as if it's a scarce commodity, trying to get as much crammed in as we can. Others among us casually toss away the moment, like so much excess fluff. As a former Type Adriven corporate executive, I began to search for meaning in my life ten years ago, when I was ... Views: 6081
There are only two kinds of marriages - truthful and protective. You cannot be both at the same moment in time. They are a dilemma in the same way that it cannot be both night and day at the same time. We have no choice but to give up one in order to have the other. I cannot protect you from ... Views: 4111
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Are You An Island Girl? - by John Kuypers, Couples Coach, The Institute For Present Living & Learning
Elton John sang his famous song, Island Girl, in the 1970s, idolizing the women of sun, sand and surf. But there is another kind of Island Girl. These are women (and men) who share a common and often unspoken challenge: fear of intimacy. People who are afraid to let other people get too ... Views: 3092
Who's The Driver? is an innovative communication method for solving power struggles for couples. Near and Far define two opposite styles of "driving" decisions in your marriage by using or NOT using your personal power and authority. Once understood, either person in the relationship can ... Views: 1977
I feel prompted by the Holy Spirit to reach out to both of you. My intention in this note is to summarize the basics of deciding to say married or get divorced – what’s going, what your choices are and where things can go for you.
Basic #1. You both appear to have concluded the status quo ... Views: 1972
Pay Now, Fly Later with “Time Frame”
Why your long term business success is hidden in your organization chart
By John Kuypers, Performance Shift Organization Builders
General Motors is in dire straights. The world’s largest industrial corporation was officially one hundred years old in ... Views: 1519