There are two aspects to who you are; a physical being and a non-physical being. The non-physical being, also called your Inner Being, Higher Self, or Soul, is always with you and loves you unconditionally. Your Inner Being is your expanded, loving, and compassionate self. It is the wise teacher ... Views: 1924
After 17 seconds of holding a thought, the Law of Attraction is activated. You then begin attracting the essence of what you are thinking about. This is the starting point of your emotional grid.
If you hold that thought for at least 68 seconds, there will be enough momentum to create a ... Views: 2123
There are three eternal Universal Laws that, when understood and deliberately applied, will bring about the joyous freedom of creating your own life experience as you want it to be.
The first of these laws is the Law of Attraction. It is the most powerful law in the Universe and affects ... Views: 1642
A primary element of the law of Attraction, and being a deliberate creator, is focus. You are always focusing on something, whether intentionally or by default. But our society has become addicted to stimulation and most people allow the distractions of the day to dictate what they think about. ... Views: 4110
Before you even start becoming intentional about shifting your vibration towards alignment with your dream life, you need to be prepared to deal with the resistance that will likely show up. The failure to have these tools to do so is what accounts for virtually all perceived failure of Law of ... Views: 2698
You are a creator born into your physical body to create. Whether by default or consciously, you are creating every minute of every day. If you want to be a powerful, conscious creator, who manifests dreams into reality every time, you need powerful, effective tools in your toolbox.
The list ... Views: 1353
If traditional dating has not served you well in the past it is probably because you have been following the mainstream and operating by default.
If you are ready for more positive experiences, it may be time for you to consider taking a different approach.
Life is supposed to be fun and ... Views: 1648
Have you ever wondered what your life purpose is? I think just about everyone would answer yes to this and I was certainly no different. There came a challenging time in my life when I felt desperate to have an answer.
One day, several years ago, I found myself at the edge of the water of the ... Views: 1384
Deliberate creation is the intentional focus on something that is wanted with the purpose of creating a pleasing outcome. By deliberately focusing your thoughts, which shifts the way you feel, thereby changing your point of attraction, you will receive more satisfying results in what you are ... Views: 1866
An affirmation, or statement of intent, can be a powerful law of attraction tool when it is used to move you vibrationally to a better feeling place.
Limiting beliefs and negative self-talk can be overcome when you redirect them with positive affirmations, which voluntarily reaches the ... Views: 2657
Before you were born into your physical body you were pure, non-physical energy. When you decided to come here in physical form your Inner Being, also known as Source Energy, Soul, or God, projected its consciousness into the physical you. You then became two different aspects - a physical being ... Views: 1543
EFT (emotional freedom technique) is a form of psychological acupressure based on the ancient principles of acupuncture. Instead of needles, EFT combines gentle tapping on key acupuncture points while focusing your thoughts on pain, uncomfortable emotions, memories, cravings or any other ... Views: 1786
Every day of your life is a gift. We tend to forget this as we get caught up in the day to day stresses of living.
The following tap-along-script is a wonderful reminder to embrace your life as it is. By loving what you have at this point in your life, you allow more wonderful things to flow ... Views: 973
When you get up in the morning you are in your most positive vibrational state. To keep these positive vibes going, begin your day with good feeling thoughts.
The following routine will help you establish a positive vibrational tone for the rest of the day. It will help you to align with your ... Views: 4663