To take the battle against coronavirus transmission to a new level, local administrations in many places are introducing disinfection tunnels to spray hypochlorite fumes on people to sanitize them. These disinfectant / sanitization tunnels are mostly getting installed in public places like shopping malls, markets, railway stations, airports, etc. As you pass through these sanitization booths, sometimes after washing up your hands, nozzles spray a sanitizer mist on you which apparently kills most germs and viruses, including COVID-19.

It has been noticed that both Central and State governments have been quick to set up these sanitization tunnels to sanitize people in public places where a large number of people gather. But the harmful effects of the chemical component used to disinfect people have gone unnoticed. According to many chemical experts Sodium Hypochlorite, the main ingredient in bleach is present in sanitizers, can harm certain membrane in the human body instead of killing the virus.

Though experts are not supporting the practice of direct spraying of sanitizers on humans or animals to contain the spread, disinfection booth manufacturers are promoting their sanitization tunnels to combat the current situation.

How do most of the disinfectant tunnels work?

According to them these tunnels do not have any human control and are entirely being operated with the help of ultrasonic sensors and microcontrollers. Many disinfection tunnel manufacturers india with two chambers with three different levels of disinfection. When a person enters the first chamber of the tunnel, a spray of ionized liquid disinfectant is sprayed over him. According to the experts of disinfection tunnel India, this ionized liquid spray is more effective than the regular ones as the liquid will have a charge and will firmly distribute on the skin of the person. Most importantly, this liquid can neutralize the virus from the surface more effectively as compared to any other sprays.

As the person enters the second chamber, he will experience a hot air blast of 70-degree centigrade. This is to make sure that any germs survived the disinfectant would be killed through the hot air. In the next process of the second chamber, the person is exposed to UVC light which can kill the virus and is safe for human eyes and skin.

Which disinfectant should be used in these tunnels?

According to the experts in sanitizing booth India, any disinfectant liquid that has been approved by ICMR can be used in these tunnels. In most of the places, Sodium Hypochlorite is being used but some people may have various skin problems from being exposed to it. Keeping this in mind many companies has manufactured herbal disinfectant with neem leaves extract, camphor, and alum.

As the unlocking procedure has begun in many places and public sectors are opening slowly gradually, people are understanding the importance and relevance of this type of sanitisation booths. These tunnels with all its utility factors have become the need of the time. We have to take all the possible preventive measures to continue our battle against COVID-19. So, let us follow the guidelines and fight together.

Author's Bio: 

OK Play Health is one of best disinfection tunnel manufacturers India. Visit our website for any product related Query or call us.