Does the mere thought of probable electricity bills deter you from using air conditioning? Well, there’s a solution readily available, through which it is possible for you to cool or warm your home or office without having to plunder a bank. Switch to solar power. It is a common misconception that you need an air conditioner only when it is scorching. On the contrary, you need to install an air conditioner when it is very polluted, or in very cold climates too.

Efficiency with Freedom from Bacteria and Dust Too

Installing a solar powered air conditioner in your office or home might easily be one of the smartest moves you’ve made recently. It isn’t simply about saving on electricity bills, and reducing your carbon footprints — though both are major concerns. When you invest in a model which has a self-cleaning option, you protect yourself, and everyone who has to be in the room/rooms where such air conditioners are installed. Such air conditioners reduce the pollution in the air, almost eliminate the bacteria in the air circulating in the room, and make it dust free. Further, they prevent pollutants from re-entering the air once they have been removed.

Fighting allergens: The people who benefit the most from this kind of solar powered air conditioner are those who suffer from serious allergies. Various kinds of allergens, mites, and other air pollutants get filtered out, leaving the room/hall healthier, and cleaner. If you live in a humid climate, then you’ll find its dehumidification factor a godsend. However, you can opt for dehumidification without lowering of temperature to prevent the discomfort of simultaneous cooling and dehumidification.

Air Conditioning Where You Need It

You protect your walls from damage when you choose a portable solar air conditioner over a window air conditioner. Moreover, you get to service whichever room needs to be air conditioned without having to buy more than one unit. It is essential to choose the correct size of air conditioner for the room or rooms where it is going to be efficient. Ideally, you should place a portable solar air conditioner where it can recharge whenever the sun is shining. Its compact size adds to the aesthetics of any room or office.
Defrost as and when necessary: The layer of frost which collects on an air conditioner’s condenser unit can reduce its efficiency. Opt for the kind of model which offers intelligent defrost solutions to improve your solar powered air conditioner’s efficiency, and increase its durability.

Author's Bio: 

Savana Solar provides all kind of Solar equipments such as solar inverters and solar water pumps.