“Let us eat, drink and be merry” is an unspoken way we operate, and it leads to the death of our choice--painless in most cases, thanks to medicine, that is also part of the bondage, says Dr. Richard Ruhling, a retired physician who says most people could do better. What does he mean?

Corporate America is selling alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, drugs--legal and illegal, over-the-counter and by prescription, that have become a leading cause of death, but in most cases it’s painless, or is it?

Picture the average nursing home patient, standing in the hallway, staring into space as they fill their diaper and if you ask, How are things, they will say, “Okay.”

Contrast that with Dr. Ken Cooper's mother—Cooper is the doctor who got America jogging with his book, Aerobics. He related how, in her 90’s, she went for her usual exercise on a Friday, didn't feel well over the weekend and died on Monday. She needed no nursing home, and if that were the only benefit from exercise, it would be worth it, but there are many more.

Dr. Lester Breslow, Dean of UCLA's School of Public Health, did a study showing that 7 simple health habits were good for a 30-year advantage over those who broke all the rules. It worked for Breslow; he died in his 90's.

So what are those 7 golden rules of health. There's an acronym that helps; it's NEW START: Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunlight, Temperance, Air, Rest and Trust in God and Nature. The word Temperance needs explaining; it means moderation in those things that are beneficial, and abstinence of those things that are harmful.

The big three in Breslow's study were smoking, drinking and obesity. You may wonder what the other habits were. Think of the acronym, NEW START. N is for Nutrition and eating a good breakfast was one of the good habits. People who do usually don't eat as much in the evening and that's good because supper puts weight on when we're less active and less able to digest the meal as we sleep.
While teaching Health Science at the School of Public Health, Loma Linda University, the Dean, Dr. Mervyn Hardinge said, “They are starting to call medical care “healthcare!” He understood

40 years have passed and the average American now thinks healthcare is what they get at the doctor’s office, but it’s a sad counterfeit for what they could get at the grocery store.

The nation was closer to the truth 40 years ago when a US Senate Select Committee reported on the link between our diet and chronic degenerative diseases that plague the US. But the government did nothing for health education to help people understand their health destiny is in their own hands by the food choices they make.

When we don’t walk toward the light, we go into darkness and the government, with big pharma prompting, wants to make medical care with prescriptions and vaccinations mandatory at the expense of tax-payers.

This is one reason why Dr. Ben Carson considered Obamacare the worst thing since slavery.

While doing physicals on executives, several told me that sugar, cheese or meat bothered their joints. These were smart men who had figured it out, but when I got headaches I couldn’t see how food was related. I consulted a neurologist who taught medical students, and he said food was an unlikely cause of my type of (tension) headaches.

A year later in group medical practice, an allergist, a member of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, tested me and found that I was allergic to wheat—bread, pasta, pastry. When I quit those foods, I had no more headaches. The allergist said problems with foods or chemicals are the overlooked cause of most chronic conditions.

The body builds a tolerance to the allergic food, like to cigarettes, and people don’t get sick when they smoke—they get symptoms on withdrawal when they try to quit, and that’s how food allergy symptoms can manifest, depending on how often and much we eat, but modified by sleep, fluids, exercise, stress, fresh air, sunlight, etc.

When people don’t know the cause of their problem, they listen to TV ads that say “Ask your doctor.” This is the beginning of a slippery slope that can take them down fast.

Most of the drugs in the Physician’s Desk Reference have a long list of adverse effects--some are serious.
Adverse Drug Reactions put 2.2 million people in hospitals and 106,000 died, "making these reactions between the fourth and sixth leading cause of death." Journal of American Medical Assoc, 4-15-1998.

How many died at home? 199,000 according to the Western Journal of Medicine, June, 2000. Deaths in and outside hospitals from prescription drugs totaled 305,000, with 8 million admissions to hospitals and 3 million to long-term care (nursing homes--they were messed up for life, and the drug companies get a free pass from the Supreme Court —they usually can’t be sued for death or damages they caused—isn’t that strange?

"From 1998 through 2005, reported serious adverse drug events increased 2.6-fold... fatal adverse drug events increased 2.7-fold." Archives of Internal Medicine, Sept 10, 2007, p 1752.

But since the cause of the increase (TV drug ads) continues, those same figures continued to 2018 suggest deaths are now increased 7-fold or 2.1 million.
On the other hand, two thirds of deaths from heart disease are over the age of 75, and a high percentage of these are in a nursing home where the average number of prescriptions is 7 (reported in 2002 with a trend to more Rx’s). When a resident dies, no autopsy is done to determine the cause. The death certificate is usually signed as heart disease.

2,100,000 deaths/year is nearly 7000 deaths daily--like two 9-11's daily! On 9-11, Congress grounded all planes. Why not stop the drugs and hold drug companies responsible?

For each death, 40 people are hospitalized and 15 go to a nursing home, messed up for life in most cases.
The holistic approach is reflected by the acronym, NEW START: Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunlight, Temperance Air, Rest and Trust in Nature and God. Those “eight remedies” come from what another MD said is “the best book ever written.”

Dr. Agatha Thrash was a pathologist; her husband was in internal medicine. They were graduates of Emory University and were atheists. The Ministry of Healing changed their practice of medicine and they became Christians.
Dr. Clive McCay, Professor of Nutrition at Cornell University reviewed the author on health and nutrition and was surprised that she did not incorporate the fads and fallacies of her time. He summarized a six-page review by saying, “In spite of the fact that the works of Mrs. White were written long before the advent of modern scientific nutrition, no better over-all guide is available today.”

Readers can access its nutrition info here, http://www.whiteestate.org/books/mh/mh23.html
My personal testimony is that I changed my eating habits about 60 years ago and can assure you, at age 76, that eating wisely is worth it—I’ve had only one prescription drug in my adult life (for intestinal flu on a trip).

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Richard Ruhling is a retired physician. Most of the above information comes from his ebook, God Bless America? It offers insights on a time of impending judgment on America. Just as Egypt killed babies and enslaved Israel, the US has aborted 60 million and enslaved most people in bad habits and drugs, but also food, fashion, fiction, gambling, sex, perversion, etc. Readers can get a FREE copy on Saturday, July 7 at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075896HPD

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