In this highly urbanized world, it is a big challenge to pursue gardening and to find a spot to do it. With high cost of lots, spaces are usually limited only enough for the house. However, this should not put down individuals who would really want to do some gardening in their own backyard and show a little artistry.

  • There are lots of proven ways that, even in urban areas, can highlight the beauty of local gardening and the best of nature.

Wouldn't it be such a delight to see a green and beautiful garden in your neighborhood in the midst of high-rise buildings?

Considering the possible limitations in space, gardeners have the options of going into any of rooftop gardening, hydroponics or container gardening.

  • These are already common since many communities are now working together to bring nature into their cities.

Rooftop Gardening Techniques:

Rooftop gardening serves as an excellent alternative for those, especially in cities, who experience limitations in space but still wish to do gardening in their own homes. This option creatively utilizes unused and unnoticed space and can still show up to be attractive. What even makes it more highly recommended is that it allows the homeowner to save energy as rooftop gardens provide additional insulation and shade. These gardens can also absorb rainfall, thereby minimizing runoff.

Almost all roofs can be turned to rooftop gardens. However, it is best that the gardener get a licensed professional to check on whether the building or the house is structurally capable of receiving additional weight on the roof. Ideally a rooftop garden would use lightweight containers, an option that is easy to maintain, inexpensive and more flexible. These containers are best for roofs that have limited weight capacity. They may also come handy and readily available to the gardener.

Hydroponics Gardening Techniques:
Hydroponics is the new science that makes plants grow in a different medium instead of soil. Using mineral nutrient solutions, plants can grow in water even with the absence of soil. In this method, terrestrial plants make use of perlite, gravel, mineral wool or other inert mediums. Nearly all terrestrial plants can be cultivated using hydroponics.

    The technology of hydroponics is common in areas with limited soil and water resources.
  • Small-scale low-tech hydroponics is ideal for urban gardeners.
  • It is highly recommended indoors and its plants can grow very fast.

Container Gardening Techniques:
In urban areas, container gardening is undoubtedly one of the most popular ways of gardening. It is convenient, easy and inexpensive. This type of gardening allows almost anything to be converted into containers.

  • Garden Containers are highly suitable for gardeners who want to grow a variety of plants.

Since they do not take much horizontal space, containers can be put on shelves or hung in ropes or chains.

  • They can also work on all types of seasons as they can easily be moved indoors or outdoors to adapt to changing weather conditions.
  • They also make possible the growth of normally invasive plants such as ornamental grasses and herbs.

You can use these urban gardening trends to beautify your home or you can get creative and create your own idea.

  • Gardening need not be difficult and expensive at all.
Author's Bio: 

Whitney Segura is an expert gardener and owner of a company that manufacturers greenhouses and greenhouse accessories in the United States. Read more articles from the gardening articles directory, to learn more about professional gardens.