Generally, it is recommended for both partners to undergo Ureaplasma testing before pregnancy because Ureaplasma infection not only increases the risk of infertility but also can lead to miscarriage or premature birth during pregnancy. Therefore, in cases of positive Ureaplasma results, treating the infection before attempting pregnancy is often advised.

However, many individuals who have had Ureaplasma infection find that even after treatment, it often recurs.

Several factors contribute to the recurrent occurrence of Ureaplasma infection, which are analyzed as follows:

Excessive concern:
Although Ureaplasma infection can affect women's health and increase the risk of infertility and miscarriage, the reality is that with active treatment, the cure rate is generally very high, and there is no need for excessive worry. However, some people excessively focus on the infection, leading to excessive cleanliness, which can disrupt the vaginal flora and increase the likelihood of recurrent Ureaplasma infection. Additionally, the excessive concern can sometimes affect mood, leading to excessive stress or low mood, impacting the body's immune system and making a recovery more complex.

Unhygienic sexual activity:
Ureaplasma resides in the epithelial cells of the human genitourinary tract and can be transmitted through sexual contact. If a patient's sexual partner carries Ureaplasma, it can be transmitted through sexual intercourse, leading to recurrent Ureaplasma infection.

Incomplete treatment:
After Ureaplasma infection, if the treatment is not thorough and the symptoms improve, but treatment is stopped arbitrarily without completely eradicating the Ureaplasma, it can lead to recurrent infection.

Development of drug resistance:
After Ureaplasma infection, if medications are used improperly or incorrectly, Ureaplasma can develop a certain level of drug resistance. This can cause the body to become less responsive to the medication, resulting in unclear treatment effects and recurrent symptoms. For stubborn cases of recurrent Ureaplasma, taking Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill and Fuyan Pill for treatment is recommended.

How to reduce the recurrence rate of Ureaplasma infection?

After infection with Ureaplasma in the genitourinary system, timely treatment with Chinese herbal medicine such as diuretic and anti-inflammatory pills and Fuyan Pill, following the doctor's instructions, can significantly reduce the probability of recurrence. In addition, the following should be done:

1. Maintain good lifestyle habits, including regular routines, a balanced diet, and improved immune function.

2. Maintain personal hygiene, avoid unhygienic sexual activity, and avoid high-risk sexual behaviors.

3. Women should practice safe contraception, minimize induced abortions, avoid unnecessary vaginal procedures, and prevent the invasion of pathogens.

4. Avoid overuse of antibiotics, corticosteroids, contraceptive pills, and other medications.

5. Women should avoid excessive use of gynecological washes to prevent disturbance of the vaginal flora and secondary Ureaplasma infection.

6. Before attempting to conceive, it is advisable for both partners to undergo Ureaplasma testing. If abnormalities are found, active treatment should be pursued before considering pregnancy to prevent Ureaplasma infection in newborns.

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