Usually in the early period of a relationship, couples are so infatuated; they don't understand what could separate them. Separating is the last thing on their minds. Over time couples can begin fighting and struggling through unseen issues that all couples confront. Recognizing and studying how to deal with them as they arrive can give any relationship the right experience to deal with them sooner than they happen, preserving any relationship from many feuds. Here are some of the unpredicted problems that lovers face in their lives as a couple.

Opposing Goals
It's not strange that in life we can have assorted goals. When it comes to the time and commitment given to; careers, kids, seeing the world, and places to live, different goals is a topic many couples will disagree over.
To divert fights in this department, couples should list out their top 2-3 objectives in life. Rather than trying to complete all of everyone's goals, couples should strive to achieve the most significant of theirs, this is more within reach. Other hopes may need to be left behind. Later on they should both explain what they need most from life and in a relationship, that way they can act as a team in achieving their dreams as opposed to being contenders in the relationship.

Spending their time/balancing their time
In a partnership, couples will fight over how they get to spend their free time. If one of them likes something that the other has no interest in, or they can't communicate about how they use their time, couples will fight over how they get to use their alone time.
While men and women may be successful as a single person, living together as a couple is not what you expect, and needs a little changing in our lifestyle. This question is resolved through proper communication and some clear thinking ahead. This way couples can talk about how their week will look days beforehand, and last minute surprises to the weekend plan can be avoided.

Not willing to change
In a partnership, habits and behaviors need to shift that have developed from being alone. What's normal in failed relationships is that one of the parties maintained a single mindset even after they got into the relationship. Men and women need to conform to their new environment, not the other way around.
The hope of any couple is to love and care for their partner. This is the mindset that needs to be used, and should be conveyed in all faucets of the relationship; what they do together, the choices they make as a couple and the friends they spend time with. There is a phrase that goes, "There's being right and then there's being in a relationship".

There are No Happily Married Family and Friends
One of the biggest problems that couples have to cope with, is that there is little amount of good marriages for couples to try to be like and talk to.

Couples should look for the company of other sturdy and happy couples. Getting help from single friends and trying to spending time with them simply wrong, but can't let them have the help and guidance that healthy couples can give. Committed spouses who went through the dilemmas that they can go through could be of priceless counsel on their behalf.

Small Arguments
Engaging in little arguments could be a normal problem that partners face. As individuals, we have been taught to stand up for what we think is correct. This may go on to constant bickering over small things. In addition to which, folks don't change that easily, as most changes happen after a while, not over a fight.

Every now and then the struggle in becoming right can injure the love that has improved our everyday life way more than being correct was valued. Learning to just let it happen, and picking your battles can encourage and maintain a partnership more than words could ever.

Without fail, couples will live together while keeping an individual thought process to banking. This may lead to fighting over bills, or fighting on spending too much money. Couples in love will most likely ignore the financial expectations of life together in a relationship as they are too infatuated with each other.

When couples start living together, how they handle money must change to group thinking of economic spending. If not, spouses will have trouble in this department because with regards to money, they're still of their thoughts, an individual.

New Domestic Partnerships
Living together can be trying and a battle on its own regarding each person's tolerance for uncleanliness is different. Most people will moan about the other or say that the other is slow and sloppy.
Many couples don't have an appointed list of chores to do. Many couples will accept divided responsibility over tasks and household assignments. By having a list of desired chores for each person, such as dishes for the one and laundry for the other, disagreements can be avoided. By designating jobs, it makes individuals to take charge and rise up to the tasks given to them. This also wards off unneeded disagreements as obligations are clearly known.

Problems from the Past
The topic of trust from past boyfriends or girlfriends and friendships with exes are a common problem that couples end up dealing with.
Where committed partners should always try to understand each other, usually it can be their partners' fault if they don't work with them. Has cheating or constantly being lied to been an issue in the relationship? If so, then it's that person's responsibility to establish and rebuild their partners trust. Trust should be a huge portion of any couple's life, but cheating has no place there either.

So discovering the mistakes of other couples, and utilizing the changes that they can found helpful, will be healing to a partnership. Similar to an old map, these bombs have been laid out in the map of relationships.

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Author's Bio: 

Robert enjoys the outdoors, hiking, running, and cycling. Other hobbies include cooking, travelling, and writing. He has been writing for the past year. Topic he enjoys writing about are; relationships, dating, and helping people succeed in life. He gets his material from books, friends, and life experience. Currently single, he lives in both Los Angeles and Vancouver B.C.