So much has been written about emotions of love, love is a word used in many contexts and very often has been downgraded to simply a verb, that really means “I like”. So how can we define unconditional love when so often love has so little meaning.

Many believe that to truly experience the meaning of love, you have to have had that experience of true love. For many, those experiences come from our childhood, the love that our parents had for us as children. But what of those of us that have not been fortunate enough to be able to draw on those nurturing experiences; After all how can you truly know an emotion you have not experienced. That for many is part of their life journey.

The first person that you need to be able to love, is after all yourself. If you cannot find love yourself how can you expect others to see love within you; but like any emotion it is possible to start small and build up your strengths starting with acceptance through to understanding and nurturing, building those feeling to a deeper meaning of what love truly is.
Almost all love comes with attachments, expectations and conditions. To clarify, you may love a friend whilst they are acting in a way that you feel is appropriate, but as soon as they talk about you behind your back, that love may soon disappear. I suppose within the human experience the nearest one can get to unconditional love, is the love that a mother has for their newborn child, unconditional to whether the baby is happy or crying, but when coupled with exhaustion even this can be severely tested.
So how can we experience true unconditional love. That which is without the attachment of conditions, well that's a hard one. That's the job, to know even through times of difficulty and conflict, which we all have in our relationships. Deep down beneath the surface of momentary anger and annoyance at the core of our feelings for that person is a place of unconditional love. No matter what they do or how they are acting at that time, our anger is coming from a place of our own hurts and disappointments while still knowing that we hold them deep in our heart.
In the same way our higher self is our connection to our soul and our guiding light which loves us unconditionally, inspiring us to do better. Perhaps at times even make us feel conflicted, but always for our own good. Because, it is those feelings, no matter what the love that you feel from your higher self is unconditional. If you've been fortunate enough to have had love from another you are truly blessed.

Unconditional love is the highest emotion that we can experience or offer. Through meditation and contemplation we can experience that unconditional love. Helping us to better understanding it’s true meanings and values. Showing us the way to be an inspiration to ourselves and all those around us. Lifting our vibration, enabling us to see the best in those around us, attracting like vibrations in turn. Bringing us into harmony with mother nature itself and the universal energies which are always there for us to connect with unconditionally, those energies that nurture us all deep within.
All that is needed is for us to open our heart to ever present universal vibrations of Unconditional Love.
Written in Love and Light
Bernard Misell

Author's Bio: 

Author's Bio
Bernard Misell has been involved in spiritualism and spiritual development for over 30 years. Currently chair of a local healing center in North London dedicated to helping new healers, Bernard also runs a spiritual development circle with his wife and life partner Adele.
Bernard also writes and produces Guided Meditations. You can download a MY GIFT TO YOU A COMPLETE 56 MINUTE Unconditional Love guided meditation on his website
Bernard Misell is a Strategic Master Clinical Hypnotherapist. With 15 Years Experience has developed his own therapeutic module drawing on a variety of disciplines within the therapy field, such as CBT, NLP and EMDR.
Bernard Misell has created a therapeutic mode that is effective in resolving problems within a few sessions, with long term results.