Are you planning to finally pop the question? If yes, then you have probably practiced your proposal speech in front of the mirror or friend hundreds of times and they would have assured you that she is going to say yes. But, now it’s time to shop for the ring that you have been pretending to hold between your fingers every time you rehearsed.

We know that buying an engagement ring could be quite intimidating even if you visit the best diamond engagement ring seller in the town. After all, that ring will be the symbol of your commitment and your willingness to take your relationship to the next level. On top of that, you may be worrying that she is going to show it to all her friends and family members and they are bound to form an opinion about you based on your choice of ring.

For most of you, entering a jewellery store to purchase an engagement ring could actually be the first ever experience in the world of women’s jewellery. You would probably not even understand the terms coming your way – Eternity band? Princess Cut? Halo Diamonds? What does it all mean? Which do I go for?

But, we are here to your rescue you with the ultimate guide that will pave the way for you to pick the perfect engagement ring for your girlfriend. So, let’s get started.

Decide Your Budget
The first thing that you need to do before even exploring the options is to set a maximum budget that you will be willing to spend on an engagement ring. There are lots of theories related to how an engagement ring should be equivalent to a man’s two-month salary. That is just speculation, the truth is you do not need to do anything like that.

Set a budget according to your willingness and stick to it. Believe us, there are plenty of stunning rings out there to surprise that special woman in your life, without putting yourself in debt!

Keep it a Surprise
Though it may be safer and more comforting for you if your girlfriend was by your side, helping you make the decision, it ruins the element of surprise. Just imagine the look on her face when you catch her off guard with your romantic gesture. Don’t miss the opportunity to show her how thoughtful you are.

However, don’t keep a surprise as your only option. Make sure that your girlfriend does not already have an heirloom ring that she wants to wear as her engagement ring.

Do Your Research
If there is one point throughout the entirety of this process, it would be right at the beginning. Before you go looking for a ring, make sure that you are familiar with her styling preferences and you have her correct ring size. Seek help from her closest friends to get her size or check one of her rings when she has set it aside.

To get to know the style of rings she likes, you can go through her interest board on Pinterest. It’s likely that she’s already shortlisted the ring style that she would like to wear.

Remember that you can pick a cheap diamond ring that she would like in any setting and with any diamond shape or colour if you have done your research properly and thought it through. For the men who want only the best engagement ring and wedding band for the special woman in his life, Diamond Engagement Rings offer some of the best options at affordable prices.

Tiffany Style Four Claw Compass
This classic four claw Tiffany-style setting houses your perfect princess cut diamond in compass point claws allowing maximum light to pass through the stone.

Price: £228.00
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Crossover Design Emerald Cut Solitaire
This classic design features sweeping claws on a parallel band allowing plenty of light to pass through your emerald cut diamond.
Price: £170.40
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Heart Shape Solitaire
A little heart diamond set in the gold band would appeal those who like elegant jewellery with a single and small stone.
Price: £168.00

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Tiffany Style Four Claw Tapered Shoulder
This tapered four claw classic design is a firm favorite and sits well against any wedding band.

Price: £174.40
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Twist Wed Fit Solitaire
A variation on the classic four-claw Tiffany-style setting, this design features an elegantly twisted head, mounted on our most popular, graceful shank.
Price: £156.60
Buy Now:

The collection of rings has been taken from

Author's Bio: 

Shopping for an engagement ring could be quite overwhelming and that too when you are on a budget. We have picked some of the best tips and cheap engagement rings for you that will make you get a yes from her along with admiration from her family and friends.