Aside from the Lovers card in the Major Arcana, the Two of Cups is probably one of the most recognizable cards associated with love in the tarot deck.

Here's how interprets the Two of Cups:
Sexual Chemistry, Passion, Emotional Connection

* Friendship or romantic relationship
* Sexual chemistry and/or passion
* Cooperation or truce

Reflections on the Two of Cups
The Two of Cups can certainly refer to passion or connection of a sexual nature. However, it is the nuances of this card that I find most interesting. To me, this card represents the relationship between friendship and romance. And at times, the tension in balancing the two ideas in a relationship.

Many describe their ideal romantic partner as someone who would be their 'best friend'. Yet, when push comes to shove, our 'romantic' feelings often lead us to act in ways that a best friend would not.

In college I took a fascinating class focused on notions of love in ancient times. One of my favorite reading was Plato's work 'The Phaedrus'. This story is a conversation between Socrates and the young Phaedrus. In it, Socrates discusses the difference between a lover who is primarily a 'friend' and a lover characterized more by 'romantic' considerations. He observes that the lover who is a 'friend' tends to be more objective, able to see and support the friend and consider what is in his (or her, for our purposes) best interests regardless of their own selfish and jealous biases. The lover driven primarily by romance gives advice based on their own fears and desires, less able to truly be a 'friend' to their beloved.

This is a good example of the tension inherent in the Two of Cups. To truly embody its energy takes self-reflection. If we are in or starting a romantic relationship, we might ask ourselves whether our advice to our beloved is truly a 'friend's' advice, or influenced too much by our selfish passions.

* Do we regularly expect our beloved to skip activities he/she enjoys (going to the gym, pursuing a life's dream/goal, doing an activity with a friend) in order to satisfy us?
* Is our fears of somehow 'losing' our beloved leading us to limit our beloved's potential?
* How do we truly embody the Two of Cups, balancing the 'friend' AND the 'lover' in our romantic relationships?

What do you think?

Keep THREE eyes open...
Nikki Harris

Author's Bio: 

Nikki Harris is a professional freelance writer and longtime tarot enthusiast. In her work, Nikki enjoys combining her philosophy background with metaphysical explorations. She currently serves as VP, Marketing for -- the world’s most powerful, free tarot reading website.