Any student who struggles to understand the concept of a school subject, can’t figure out how to arrive at the proper answer, or just needs to brush up on something, can use the services of a tutor. It may be that the classroom is so crowded there is no time for individual instruction, or your child is hesitant to ask questions during class for fear of embarrassment. Whatever the reason may be, there is help available for any situation, and subject, and any age. The main thing is for parents to realize their child is having a problem and take steps to rectify the situation before it gets progressively worse. Recognizing the signs that the child is struggling may be a little hard to do, but contacting the teacher for his or her input may be the first positive step toward getting help.

For some reason, children don’t want their parents to know that they are not able to understand their school work, and they certainly don’t want their friends to know. That would be too humiliating, especially if that friend seems to sail through class without a problem. The first indication would come from the teacher, who notes that homework is not being turned in, or test grades are below par. He or she, in turn, would contact the parents with the concerns they have in hopes of finding a solution to the problem. This may be in the form of extra instruction after class, or more commonly, hiring someone to tutor the child several times a week. Many parents wonder whether the additional expense is actually going to make a difference in the grades, or if they are just wasting their money.

A good, qualified tutor can make all the difference in how a child comprehends certain difficult subjects. He or she can explain the concepts in terms that are easily understood, and they have the time to spend one-on-one without interruption or outside distractions. The tutor is often closer in age to the student and able to communicate more effectively, and even something as simple as this can make a huge difference. Younger tutors seem capable of making learning fun for the student, and are abundantly patient with the child they are working with. After all, it wasn’t that long ago when they were taking the same classes themselves, so they can sympathize with the problems each student may be having.

What you don’t want is a tutor who will do nothing more than state facts and figures to your child. If the time is not taken to explain these facts and the reasoning behind them, no child will benefit from this type of teaching method, and you really will be wasting your money. Tutoring can offer tremendous learning experiences and enable a student to surpass even their own expectations if conducted properly and with enthusiasm. Some kids find that they actually like the subject they struggled with once they start working with their tutor. Often, the dislike is simply because they don’t understand it, and once it becomes clear, that dislike disappears!

Get in touch with the school to see if they have a tutoring program in place, or ask for recommendations about possible tutors in the area. The school usually has this information and will be willing to put you in touch with someone who can help. If not, check at a local college for listings of college students who want to do this in their spare time, on weekends, or even during holiday breaks. Interview any interested candidates, introduce him or her to your child, and see if there is a good rapport between them. Ask you child what he or she thinks because they are going to be the ones working one-on-one with the tutor, and their opinion matters the most.

If you fail to locate a suitable person within your area, there are online tutoring sites that offer these services that can be conducted via computer. The sessions will be the same, you can set up a schedule that fits your child, the tutor will prepare lesson plans, assign homework, and they will be able to chat about problems, questions, and anything else causing concern. Make sure you check credentials and references before hiring, and speak to past students this tutor has helped. You want someone who will be able to help your child overcome obstacles that are preventing him or her from obtaining the grades they are capable of.

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College Tutors Builds Stronger Families ® by offering a complete set of customized tutoring, homework help and college prep services. Our tutoring services are provided through one-on-one role model tutors and tailored to each student's individual needs. That is what makes us different. That is what makes our students successful.