In this video today I share with you the ABSOLUTELY best exercise you can do to MASSIVELY increase your ENERGY, your METABOLISM, your BONE STRENGTH and your POSTURE… and it can all be done in the living room at home…

Here are my 5 top exercises

1. Pushups – My favourite all round exercise. Simple to do. Start off on your knees and build each week by adding one ‘full’ on your toes push up, until you can do 10 full pushups! Here is the link to a video to show you how to do it.
2. Planks Start with holding the position for 10 seconds then adding 5 seconds each week until you can hold the position for 30 seconds
3 Squats Posture is important. Squat as if you were sitting down in a chair. Keep your back straight, your shoulders down. Add holding weights either in front of you, or on your shoulders
4. Tricep Kick backs. Grab hold of two dumbbells, brace your midsection and hold your arms above your head and bend and straighten your elbows. Start with 10 and build to 25
5, Bicep Curls With your weights in your hand, bend your elbows taking your hands to your shoulders, and down again.

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