The process of headhunting or recruiting senior personnel for filling top executive positions is basically what is meant by executive search. This executive recruitment can be carried out by either the organization's own board of directors or alternately by an executive search company. Executive search companies can be regional or global, with some specializing in handling recruitment in a certain area only.

How Executive Search Services Work

Executive recruitment companies typically follow a certain process in headhunting senior executives.

• They start by advertising the post in question, stating categorically all the criteria that candidates must fulfill to be considered for an interview. How they advertise depends largely on how fast the post needs to be filled.
• There are some conventional techniques that are applied to short-list candidates for an interview. Following the interview process, successful candidates are chosen.
• The executive search company may also consider advertising the job in question to a specific market to expedite the whole recruitment process.
• In doing so, the company often uses contacts that help to get more competent candidates on board.
• Those short-listed by the company are called for interviews, which demonstrate the consistency and eloquence of the applicants.

Executive recruitment may be of the following types: contingent recruiting, where fees are charged by the hiring company, and online recruiting, which takes place through portals that aggregate different kinds of jobs from various websites.

The Need for Executive Search Companies

Today, businesses use executive search services for a host of reasons. These firms typically possess the knowledge and enjoy access to the required sector of candidates. They employ experts in different industries like human resources or finances. The search firm usually offers lists of superior candidates within the initial few weeks of getting the client's order. This list is then modified once interviews are carried out, and the final list is then handed over to the client. It is then the client's prerogative to choose candidates. There should be constant communication between the client and the search firm, and the latter should keep the former updated with the progress.

Headhunting is a tedious and extremely challenging job that is full of risks. Any mistake on the part of the executive search firm can mar the reputation of the client. Searching for the ideal candidates is time-consuming and stressful. You therefore need to select an executive recruitment service that knows about your business well enough to assess the professional challenges your business is likely to face. A firm with adequate industry knowledge is imperative for recruiting the best candidates. The firm must be able to handle its task with absolute professionalism and offer successful placements ensuring at the same time that all information is kept strictly confidential. A proficient and reputed recruiting firm will satisfy a business owner's expectations as far as recruitment is concerned. At a time when productivity of any business depends on the skill sets and talent of high-level professional executives, hiring the best executive search company for your employee recruitment is an absolute necessity.

Author's Bio:, an executive search company helps leaders achieve their business goals and understands the industry to recruit the best professionals. An executive recruitment company such as this has the expertise to identify the talent in any industry and successfully builds trust with their clients. Visit for more information.