Have you been looking for love in all the wrong places and in too many faces; only to end up disappointed again? You don’t need to engage in an endless search for Mr. or Mrs. Right, nor do you settle or compromise for any Mr. or Mrs. Right now. What you really need is your true love.
When you are not with your true love and are participating in a relationship that can only be temporarily fulfilling, you are most likely engaging in making the needs and wants of another more important than your own, in hopes they are the true love you desire. When you place another on a pedestal hoping they will give you what you believe you are lacking; you are doing nothing more than giving another the permission and power to have control over your happiness or sadness; as well as many other things in your life.
Normally the power play role does not remain consistent; the partners continuously switch roles where the powerful one, the one who may temporarily have control over the other is the subtle redeemer of all the good deeds of the other who is unconsciously giving them permission to do so.
Rather than play out this unhealthy behavior of temporarily being in power over another; it is much more important to empower yourself. You empower yourself by being your own true love which is far more satisfying and fulfilling than it is to perceive a false power over another or feel valueless and unworthy ; ending up believing you have been betrayed and abandoned by giving to someone who is not giving back to you.
You attract this type of unhealthy relationship when you believe you are lacking love and you seek it outside of yourself hoping someone or something will fulfill and satisfy your lack. You continue to pursue others one after the other in search of the love you are not willing to give yourself. Sometimes you may play the role of the less powerful, the victim; by giving and never receiving equally in return, or you might take on the opposing role of the powerful partner in control of everything who constantly takes.
If you are playing the victim; you are most likely rewarding your partner with the credit for all your feel goods while also projecting the blame and dispensing punishment for your feel bads. When you play the power monger you rationalize your unhealthy behavior with the false belief that you are somehow more deserving than the other therefore righteously licensing your disrespectful treatment of others. Both partners in this type of relationship are inwardly and often unconsciously feeling like they are less than deserving despite their outward behavior and are mirroring their belief of lacking love.
Instead of merely surviving in the miserable cycle of being just the victimized giver or the power monger taker, you can turn your precious attention towards the person who most deserves it; you! When you focus on yourself you become consciously aware of what your needs and wants are; as well as any imbalances that have caused you to invest so much of yourself without any equal returns or constantly taking from another. Attending to yourself assures the elimination of any negative beliefs about self that has caused you to attract unhealthy and unfulfilling relationships that are less than loving honorable and respectful.
True love does not exist outside of you; you are the love you have been seeking. If you wish to attract a healthy whole loving life partner you will have to realize, apply and enact your wholeness which lies within you.
How could you expect a whole individual to desire to live with and stand by the side of one who believes they are half a person, or lesser than. It simply cannot occur because the vibratory rates are completely different.
A whole individual is vibrating with a frequency of abundance of love of self and therefore lacks nothing. This individual needs no one, even though they may choose to share their life with another. The half individual is always needy and seeking someone to fulfill their lack. The half person lives in fear while the whole person lives in love; love and fear simply cannot encounter one another.
You have already experienced the two halves relationship; where two people perceiving they are lacking love are attracted at first, but that attraction fades quickly because they are both looking for someone else to make them whole. This creates a burden of responsibility on the shoulders of both partners and eventually each will unconsciously battle over control of the whole; as to not carry the load of the other.
If you believe you are not loved, loving or lovable; then you will set yourself up to be dependent upon others to help you realize true love and continue to attract an unhealthy unloving relationship; ending up still yearning for your true love to appear.
You can change your relationship with yourself and others by healing your beliefs about being less than valuable and worthy of love, less than loving, less than lovable and less than loved.
The true love of you, who resides within you and has been ignored while you seek love outside of yourself, is independent and whole; it knows no lack and does not seek anything or anyone outside of self because it is always giving to self. If you have a desire to be in relationship with your own true love; then you must also follow through with an in intention to focus all of your energy on honoring, respecting and loving you.
You must apply self-love; meaning do for self what you so willingly do for so many others and generously give to self what you have been expecting or demanding others to give to you. Look at the real beauty you are beyond the physical. Lovingly place yourself at the head of the line, rather in the rear where there is naught left for you. Place yourself not at the head of the banquet table, but rather in a seat at the round table of worthiness for all, as opposed to crawling at the feet of others scrounging for the leftovers or the crumbs that fall at their feet. Surround yourself in self-loving images, dress yourself up in self-loving apparatus and continue to look into the mirror directly into the eyes of the windows of the soul and you will see your true love.
When you take the action to love yourself; all others treat you with the same love, honor, and respect and be able to give to you what you are already giving to yourself. When you are genuinely in love with yourself you know your value and worth and your heart will be ablaze with a burning passion for life; fully knowing the value of and the gift you are. Your passion for life will radiate outwardly and you literally light up the world attracting another who also a whole, healthy, self-loving individual. This is when you have a real opportunity to be in a relationship where there is no blame, no control or any other form of abuse….there is only real and true love!
Copyright Eloryia RA 2011
Eloryia RA is a transformation Facilitator and, is dedicated to the mission of guiding you to your greatest potential so you may realize your magnificence and create the life you desire.
Eloryia is a spiritual coach, radio host, featured guest on television, published author, artist, photographer, clairvoyant, clairaudient, retreat and workshop leader, emotional release therapist, spiritual and psychic teacher and reader.
One of Eloryia's many tools is aura portrait which combines her sharp intuition with her artistic talents. For 30+years Eloryia has guided many out of their self-imposed conditioned fear into the state of love; where they trust in the love of self and their innate gifts and talents.
In an Aura Portrait with full reading and healing mandala you receive your Soul's unique story, its evolution, heart intention and life mission with images and words to help you remember and embrace the truth of you so you can easily and gracefully aspire to your greatness, because you already are magnificent."
An intuitive reading or an aura portrait is a wonderful catalyst to shift your conditioned reality that causes you to manifest lack of all wonderful things, to be in harmony with our highest soul intention and to realize and live Heaven on Earth
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