Many people are not getting enough rest at night. Sometimes they can drift off okay, but then they wake up and have difficulty getting back to sleep. If you are hoping for seven to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep time, try the following tips.

Keep Technology Out of the Bedroom

When you are unable to sleep or keep waking up, it is tempting to check your smart phone, turn on the radio, or watch television in the bedroom in hoping of becoming fatigued. However, electronic devices can have the opposite effect, stimulating your brain to wake it up and keep it functioning at the conscious level, which may inhibit efforts to fall asleep. Instead, try working a numerical formula in your head or thinking of a repetitive pattern. These activities are more likely to relax your brain and send you back to dreamland.

Maintain a Comfortable Bedroom

Most people sleep more soundly when the room temperature hovers just below 70 degrees. Sleeping rooms that are too warm or too cold will keep you awake. Some experts believe that wearing socks while sleeping in a cool room will help you sleep better. The lights should be out, with window shades closed against the morning light that may awaken you too early. Even computer system lights or a television control light might disrupt your sleep pattern. Keep the room as dark and cool as possible.

Check Out Sleep Apnea Solutions

A number of people have sleep apnea but don’t know it. This condition results when sleepers unconsciously hold their breath for a few seconds, and then start breathing again. While this is not immediately dangerous, breathing cessation several times every night can take a toll over time. Check with your doctor or a medical supply store for information for sleep apnea solutions.

Get Plenty of Fresh Air and Exercise During the Day

A little bit of sunshine, fresh air, and exercise can help to prepare you for a good night’s rest. Depending on your health and doctor’s advice, as little as ten to fifteen minutes outdoors in the morning or evening when the sun is not at its peak warmth is good for physical health and helps to keep biorhythms in synch. Walking, biking, or swimming for even 20 minutes at a time several days per week can do many good things for the body, including sleep enhancement.

Don’t let sleeplessness interfere with your health and well-being. Try strategies like these to enjoy a full night of peaceful slumber.

Author's Bio: 

Lizzie Weakley is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. In her free time, she enjoys the outdoors and walks in the park with her husky, Snowball.