The outlook for a patient with mesothelioma is not good. Healing or long-term survival is not possible.

However, everything will be done to stop the disease and reduce complaints. This is called a palliative treatment. The goal is to improve the quality of life.
Palliative treatments given in mesothelioma:


Some patients receive a combination of these treatments.
In addition to the above treatments, you can sometimes take part in treatments in a research context ( trials ). For example, you will receive a new treatment or a combination of treatments that doctors are still investigating. With this medical scientific research, doctors test whether a new treatment is better than the standard treatment.

Why no surgery?
In many cancers, surgery is one of the treatment options. With mesothelioma it is not yet clear whether an operation is useful. An operation is therefore only done in a small number of patients.

As much tumor tissue as possible is removed in the pleura. But it is not possible to remove all cancer cells. Moreover, surgery on the pleura is a major procedure with a chance of permanent complaints.

Multidisciplinary consultation
Your doctor discusses your history with a team of specialist doctors and nurses. This is called a multidisciplinary consultation (MDO). In many hospitals in the Netherlands, doctors also involve specialists from other hospitals in the multidisciplinary consultation.

Treatment plan
Your doctor will make a treatment plan for you together with a number of other specialists. They use national guidelines for this.

To be able to provide the best possible treatment, it is important to know:

  • What stage and characteristics the tumor has
  • Whether there is inherited tax
  • Whether there are metastases

But your personal situation also plays a role. A treatment plan is therefore customization. Therefore, let yourself be well informed about the treatment options so that you can make an informed decision together with your treatment team.

Chemotherapy for mesothelioma
Treatment with chemotherapy is often a combination of the drugs pemetrexed and cisplatin. The chemotherapy usually consists of 4 to 6 courses. However, you must be in good physical condition in order to receive chemotherapy.

Results of chemotherapy in mesothelioma
In approximately 60% of patients, chemotherapy inhibits the growth of mesothelioma. Unfortunately, this effect is usually only temporary, and in most patients the tumor will continue to grow after a few months.
If you have a good condition and want further treatment, you can receive a second or even a third chemotherapy. Different medicines are used for this...

Chemotherapy for mesothelioma in a study context
You can also discuss with your doctor whether it is possible to get an experimental treatment. You will then participate in a clinical study, in the context of scientific research into mesothelioma.

Side effects of chemotherapy in mesothelioma

Chemotherapy for mesothelioma may cause the following side effects:

  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Anemia
  • Diarrhea
  • Skin rash
  • Vomit

Painful mouth and lips
Chemotherapy is a treatment with cytostatics. These are medicines that kill cancer cells or inhibit their cell division. These medicines spread through the blood through your body. They can reach the cancer cells in almost all places. Treatment with chemotherapy is in the form of a cure. You will not receive a period of medication and a period. The chemotherapy you usually get a few times in a row.

Discuss treatment proposal
After the multidisciplinary consultation, the doctor will discuss a treatment proposal with you. During this meeting you can also discuss your wishes and expectations. In some situations your doctor will present you with a choice. There are advantages and disadvantages to every decision. Discuss it with your doctor. With your questions you can also contact a (specialized) nurse.

Author's Bio: 

Misty Jhones