Spinal cord injury causes damage to the spinal cord and can lead to the extremely serious type of trauma which may last longer and affect the day to day lifestyle of the patient. Spine clinic in Delhi has been providing the right treatment for patients with minor to severe damage to the spine. The spinal cord comprises several nerves and tissues which are protected by vertebrae. These nerves send messages to the different parts of the body, and if damaged, the whole body becomes lifeless. Getting the treatment for spinal cord injury in the best spine centers is highly crucial so that there is no further damage to the nerves and the body.

Types of treatment
At a reputed spine care institute, you can find advanced treatments for different kinds of spinal injury. The spine clinic has experts and related infrastructure to offer the best treatment for different ailments relating to the spinal cord, and treatment is possible at a faster rate. Here are a few ailments related to spinal cord injury that can be treated at these institutes.

1. Chronic back pain
2. Facet joint Arthropathy
3. Muscle strain and muscle spasm
4. Spinal stiffness
5. Sciatica
6. Cervical pain and neck pain
7. Kyphosis, Scoliosis, Lordosis
8. Post-surgical back pain
9. Cervicogenic headache
10. DISH

There are several other spinal cord treatments that are available at a well equipped spinal injury center in Delhi where they treat all types of injuries and damages that may be caused due to accidents, or simply due to the improper body function.

For every type of spinal damage or injury, the doctors at a spinal hospital in Delhi will diagnose the illness and then start the treatment depending on the gravity and severity of the condition of the patient. Physical examination, X-rays, blood samples, and other related tests are carried out to find the cause of the condition. Based on the cause, treatment is provided. Modern methods of diagnoses like complete Capri’s Digital Segmental Spinal Assessment to evaluate Biomechanical faults at the vertebral segment are applied. This can be done only at a well-equipped spine hospital Delhi as it is a highly sensitive and advanced computer assisted scanner of the spine where doctors can see the shape and the mobility in several positions. When the biomechanical fault is diagnosed, it is easy to choose the right treatment including surgery, drugs, medications or physiotherapy at the spinal care clinic.

The CD-SSAT method is a modern approach to spinal treatments, and it is applied to those who are into rehabilitation. It is a nonsurgical method which comprises Electrotherapy, Manual therapy, and Exercise therapy and is effective for its treatment. Manual therapy at physiotherapy centers in Delhi will be carried out by experts in therapy based on the diagnosis and the condition of the patient. Electrotherapy is applied to patients with spinal damage and can be treated with just a few sessions. Manual therapy is a branch of physiotherapy that can be accessed in any well-resourced physiotherapy center in Delhi which provides results in a short duration and treats spinal ailments.

Treatment according to condition
The spinal injury center has several treatment options that will be applied according to the condition of the patient. There are the best treatments available where patients receive multidisciplinary and even methodical approach along with accurate diagnosis and right treatment. The right spinal cord injury treatment along with required techniques of physiotherapy in Delhi, a patient, can overcome the damage caused by the injury to a great extent.

Read more: Know Most Effective Spine Treatments for Spinal Cord Injuries

Author's Bio: 

I am Gaurav Gautam, live in New Delhi, India. I am 28 years old. I am pursuing Mass. Comm. I am available on Facebook, Twitter, Google+. I love blogging, writing on health, fitness, lifestyle and Consumer Goods and above article is about Spine Specialist Treatments for spinal cord injuries