Over the past few years School Career Days have seen a huge boost in popularity both for business, to drive there image forward, and to attract the young and the bright. It is often this second point which is the motivation behind career days, they are an opportunity for a business to assess young and gifted students and looking at ways of attracting them onto either graduate schemes of apprenticeships.

School Career Days are often run at the level of A Levels students. It is this level, as they are starting to decide their future that people are most receptive either to brand names or the message that you are trying to get across. It is common for larger Investment Banks or Legal firms to hold these days to attract the brightest and the best, to give them experience and to make contact with them for the future. Mostly, they are run by third party bodies as they have the expertise and the resources to put them together. Typically, they will help the firm plan and run the day itself with venue booking, catering and events management expertise.

As companies have their own agenda it is important to have these outside bodies to assist in order to maintain a balance between education and corporate responsibility. For there part they also make contact with the schools and colleges and effectively provide the people. These can be to the companies specification and can be a broad mix or the top 10 students from a number of schools. There is an opportunity with school career days to be very focused and if your firm requires mathematicians for example, you can request the 50 A grade maths students.

For schools and students they get the opportunity to have a real inside look into what companies do. It often helps define students career choices armed with new knowledge. Some teachers have promoted these days as a reward for the highest achieving students, or as a means to motivate the majority.

School Career Days really are an excellent opportunity to progress your business in image and resourcing. For more information take a look at the School Career Days page at www.Adducology.com.

Author's Bio: 

Adducology, prides in in providing customised services on School Career Days that perfectly suits the needs of every student. Our esteemed customers may visit our website at http://www.adducology.com/ to know more about services for A Levels students .