This article will help in writing Custom MBA Project Reports-No Plagiarism Dissertations on TQM providing Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review, Research Methodology, Data Analysis, Conclusion, Questionnaire and Bibliography.
Many students want information on TQM implementation in India. There is dearth of quality content on TQM. This article will give you a brief overview of some research work done on TQM in India.
Introduction to TQM Concept
Global competition and economic liberalization are creating opportunities for Indian organizations. They use “quality” to compete with other organizations to improve their market share. The well-known quality approaches like ISO 9000, total quality management (TQM) and Six Sigma have helped them to achieve their goal. TQM is one of the important quality improvement techniques, which many firms are using to achieve success.
Significance of TQM
TQM has been widely implemented throughout the world across different industries and sectors. The implementation of TQM has given them positive results. Industries in India have been trying individually to improve their product quality, besides their overall performance through TQM practices But organizations find it difficult to implement TQM in a satisfactory and efficient way. Also, they notice some barriers or obstacles, which hinder the implementation of TQM. Owing to these barriers, organizations have not achieved the benefits, which they have expected from TQM. Besides, poor results have given rise to the opinion that TQM does not work and in many cases the TQM initiatives have been abandoned declaring that TQM has failed. To help address this gap in understanding key TQM implementation barriers in Indian firms, this research focused on:
• empirically investigating the barriers that Indian industries experience; and
• comparing the findings with a prior research on TQM implementation problems encountered by US firms.
This study involved survey-based research on the barriers associated with the implementation of TQM. Like previous research in this area, factor analysis has been used to empirically derive the obstacles from items that represent commonly cited barriers in the literature.
The rest of the paper is organized into five sections. The first section provides a review of the literature relating to the barriers to implementation of TQM. The next section describes the quality awards considered for this study. The third section covers the methodology used for this research. The fourth section covers the results of the data analysis and discussion of the findings; and the main conclusions of the research study are summarized in the final section.
With the above information you can proceed to write Custom MBA Project Report on TQM.
Outline of MBA Project Report on TQM in India.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to identify the barriers of total quality management (TQM) implementation, in order to make them known to the managers of Indian industries.
Design/methodology/approach – In order to achieve this objective, an extensive literature review has been carried out to understand the barriers to TQM implementation. This was followed by a survey of quality award winning industries in India.
Findings – A total of 41 completed questionnaires were received and the overall response rate was 31 percent. The findings of this survey suggest that the most important TQM barriers in Indian industry are: “no benchmarking of other company's practices” and “employees are resistant to change”. Factor analysis of the 21 potential barriers to TQM implementation revealed the following five underlying constructs: lack of customer orientation, lack of planning for quality, lack of total involvement, lack of management commitment, and lack of resources.
Originality/value – The findings based on this empirical research present a solution to the difficulties faced by the managers while implementing TQM effectively in their industries.
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