Networking can be daunting for some and exhilerating for others. Regardless of your perspective it's always prudent to brush up on your skills. Below are 10 of my favorite networking tips that will help you to become even more savvy than you already are!

1. Understand what networking is all about. Savvy Networkers know that creating the relationship is key to successful networking. Identify with the other person by matching their energy and asking open-ended questions to learn more about them and their interests and needs.

2. Be Prepared. Savvy Networkers keep their tool kit close. Carry a bag with you that contains: your name badge, extra business cards, brochures and flyers, a small bottle of antibacterial gel for your hands after all of the handshaking and a small sewing kit for wardrobe emergencies. Have a second bag or rubber bands available for business cards you collect. Keep them organized according to event.

3. Dress appropriately. Savvy Networkers™ know that first impressions are made in seconds. Shined shoes and clothes that are clean, pressed, and fit well contribute towards creating your professional presence. Wearing a blazer or jacket eases networking by allowing you to put your business cards in one pocket and cards you collect from contacts in the other.

4. Create your POA (Plan of Action). Savvy Networkers™ create networking goals. Be flexible when working your plan. You never know where you will meet new contacts. Ask yourself:
a. “Who is my target audience?”
b. ” Who do I want to meet?”
c. “What referrals and introductions can I make?”

5. Create your 10-second intro. Savvy Networkers™ practice their intro to create a powerful impression. The intro informs people what you do from the heart. It’s an emotional pitch that’s clear and focused. Eg: Chimney Sweep: I provide families safety and comfort.

6. Arrive 15 minutes early to events. Savvy Networkers™ arrive early to allow time to scope out the event and take a few moments to ground, focus and shift into positive energy and attitude before connecting with others. Ask if there is a list of attendees you can review. If so, review the list and make a mental note of those folks you know and who you want to meet.

7. Become an ambassador. Savvy Networkers™ create connections and make referrals whenever possible.

8. Communicate positively. Savvy Networkers™ know that prospective clients enjoy doing business with people they like and who make them feel good. Focus on what’s right with your life and business, and focus on how to help others. Constant complaining pushes people away.

9. Listen, listen and listen some more! Savvy Networkers™ know that it’s important to focus attention completely on the person with whom they are speaking. Wall-to-wall people and high noise levels create distractions making it challenging to connect with new contacts. Connect for a short period of time then, if it feels right, set up a time to meet with them in the future then DO IT!

10. Follow up. Savvy Networkers™ know that follow up is the most important part of networking. If you don’t follow up why bother networking? Use a card scanner to scan the business cards you collected into a database. Use the database to send a “Nice to Meet You” card after each event. An easy way to do this is to use a service such as Send Out Cards. Go to to learn more.

To your success!


Author's Bio: 

As a certified coach, author and accomplished trainer and workshop facilitator, Terry Wildemann assists entrepreneurs, professionals and those seeking a career change to shift from fear and insecurity to focused and confident.

Terry’s professional development repertoire includes topics such as stress management, leadership, customer service, teambuilding, change and conflict management, networking skills, and dress for success.

Terry Wildemann, CEC, CPBA, CPCC
Certified Success and Wellness Coach
Tel: 401.849.5900
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“Courage is the power to let go of the familiar.”
- Raymond Lindquis

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a
miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”- Albert Einstein